
2024-07-01 07:14:19 发布

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>>> import re
>>> n = 3
>>> rgx = '(?=('+'\S'*n+'))'
>>> x = 'foobar'
>>> re.findall(rgx,x)
['foo', 'oob', 'oba', 'bar']
>>> rgx2 = r'(?=('+'\S'*n+'))'
>>> re.findall(rgx2,x)
['foo', 'oob', 'oba', 'bar']
>>> rgx3 = r'(?=(\S\S\S))'
>>> re.findall(rgx3,x)
['foo', 'oob', 'oba', 'bar']

Tags: 字符串importrestringfoobarfoobar区别


>>> s="foobar"
>>> import re
>>> re.sub('(o)\1', '', s)     # Using the backreference has no effect here as it's interpreted as a literal escaped 1
>>> re.sub(r'(o)\1', '', s)    # Using the backreference works!
>>> re.sub('(o)\\1', '', s)    # You need to escape the backslash here

引自String literal

A few languages provide a method of specifying that a literal is to be processed without any language-specific interpretation. This avoids the need for escaping, and yields more legible strings.

您可能还想引用Lexical Analysis。在

r不表示“regex string”;它的意思是“raw string”。根据the docs

String literals may optionally be prefixed with a letter 'r' or 'R'; such strings are called raw strings and use different rules for interpreting backslash escape sequences.

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