




pip install transitland_wrapper


所有CLI命令都会将GeoJSONFeature的列表写入stdout。这条路很小 结果立即保存在内存中。如果传递了geometry,则几何体的 边界框提供给过境地和测试结果 与原始几何体相交。geometry文件必须由可读 如有必要,GeoPandas和将自动重新投影到EPSG 4326。这个 几何体类型必须是PointPolygonMultiPolygonLineString, 或MultiLineString。在




Usage: transitland routes [OPTIONS]

  Request routes info

  -b, --bbox TEXT                 Bounding box to search within
  -g, --geometry PATH             File with geometry to use. Must be readable
                                  by GeoPandas
  -r, --radius FLOAT              radius in meters to search around, default
                                  100m for Point geometries. Used only for
                                  Point geometries.
  --operated-by TEXT              search by operator onestop_id or route
  --vehicle-type TEXT             find all routes with vehicle type(s) by
                                  integer or string. Possible values defined
                                  by the GTFS spec for the route_type column
                                  and the Extended GTFS Route Types
  --gtfs-id TEXT                  ID used in a GTFS feed's routes.txt file
  --include-geometry / --no-include-geometry
                                  Include route geometry  [default: True]
  -p, --per-page INTEGER          Number of results per page  [default: 50]
  --page-all / --no-page-all      Page over all responses  [default: False]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


Usage: transitland stops [OPTIONS]

  Request stops info

  -b, --bbox TEXT             Bounding box to search within
  -g, --geometry PATH         File with geometry to use. Must be readable by
  -r, --radius FLOAT          radius in meters to search around, default 100m
                              for Point geometries. Used only for Point
  --served-by TEXT            search by operator onestop_id or route
  --gtfs-id TEXT              ID used in a GTFS feed's stops.txt file
  -p, --per-page INTEGER      Number of results per page  [default: 50]
  --page-all / --no-page-all  Page over all responses  [default: False]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


Usage: transitland route-stop-patterns [OPTIONS]

  Request routes info

  -b, --bbox TEXT             Bounding box to search within
  -g, --geometry PATH         File with geometry to use. Must be readable by
  --traversed-by TEXT         find all Route Stop Patterns belonging to route
  --stops-visited TEXT        any one or more stop Onestop IDs, separated by
                              comma. Finds Route Stop Patterns with
                              stops_visited in stop_pattern
  --trips TEXT                any one or more trip ids, separated by comma.
                              Finds Route Stop Patterns with specified trips
                              in trips
  -p, --per-page INTEGER      Number of results per page  [default: 50]
  --page-all / --no-page-all  Page over all responses  [default: False]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


Usage: transitland schedule-stop-pairs [OPTIONS]

  Request schedule stop pairs info

  -b, --bbox TEXT                 Bounding box to search within
  -g, --geometry PATH             File with geometry to use. Must be readable
                                  by GeoPandas
  --origin-onestop-id TEXT        Find all Schedule Stop Pairs from origin
  --destination-onestop-id TEXT   Find all Schedule Stop Pairs to a
  --date TEXT                     Find all Schedule Stop Pairs from origin on
  --service-from-date TEXT        Find all Schedule Stop Pairs in effect from
                                  a date
  --service-before-date TEXT      Find all Schedule Stop Pairs in effect
                                  before a date
  --origin-departure-between TEXT
                                  Find all Schedule Stop Pairs with
                                  origin_departure_time in a range
  --trip TEXT                     Find all Schedule Stop Pairs by trip
  --route-onestop-id TEXT         Find all Schedule Stop Pairs by route
  --operator-onestop-id TEXT      Find all Schedule Stop Pairs by operator
  --active / --no-active          Schedule Stop Pairs from active FeedVersions
                                  [default: True]
  -p, --per-page INTEGER          Number of results per page  [default: 50]
  --page-all / --no-page-all      Page over all responses  [default: False]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Onestop ID

Usage: transitland onestop-id [OPTIONS]

  Request onestop_id info

  --oid TEXT       a Onestop ID for any type of entity (for example, a stop or
                   an operator)
  -f, --file PATH  a file with one or more Onestop IDs, with each on their own
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Usage: transitland feeds [OPTIONS]

  Request feeds info

  -b, --bbox TEXT             Bounding box to search within
  -g, --geometry PATH         File with geometry to use. Must be readable by
  -p, --per-page INTEGER      Number of results per page  [default: 50]
  --page-all / --no-page-all  Page over all responses  [default: False]
  --help                      Show this message and exit.

Python API

每个函数返回结果的generator,因为可能存在 未知的寻呼量。迭代器的每个项都是 GeoJSONFeatures



- geometry: either Point, to search a radius around a point, or a
  Polygon or MultiPolygon, to search for stops within the geometry. If a
  Polygon or MultiPolygon is provided, the search will be done by
  bounding box, and then results will be filtered for intersection.
- radius: radius in meters to search around, default 100m for Point
  geometries. Not used for Polygon geometries.
- served_by: search by operator onestop_id or route onestop_id
- gtfs_id: ID used in a GTFS feed's stops.txt file
- per_page: number of results per page, by default 50
- page_all: page over all responses


- geometry: either Point, to search a radius around a point, or a
  Polygon or MultiPolygon, to search for stops within the geometry. If a
  Polygon or MultiPolygon is provided, the search will be done by
  bounding box, and then results will be filtered for intersection.
- radius: radius in meters to search around, default 100m for Point
  geometries. Not used for Polygon geometries.
- gtfs_id: ID used in a GTFS feed's agencies.txt file
- per_page: number of results per page, by default 50
- page_all: page over all responses


- geometry: either Point, to search a radius around a point, or a
  Polygon or MultiPolygon, to search for stops within the geometry. If a
  Polygon or MultiPolygon is provided, the search will be done by
  bounding box, and then results will be filtered for intersection.
- radius: radius in meters to search around, default 100m for Point
  geometries. Not used for Polygon geometries.
- operated_by: search by operator onestop_id
- vehicle_type: find all routes with vehicle type(s) by integer or
  string. Possible values defined by the GTFS spec for the route_type
  column and the Extended GTFS Route Types.
- include_geometry: If True, includes route geometry. Default: True
- gtfs_id: ID used in a GTFS feed's routes.txt file
- per_page: number of results per page, by default 50
- page_all: page over all responses


- geometry: either Polygon or MultiPolygon, to search for stops within
  the geometry. If a Polygon or MultiPolygon is provided, the search
  will be done by bounding box, and then results will be filtered for
- traversed_by: find all Route Stop Patterns belonging to route
- stops_visited: any one or more stop Onestop IDs, separated by comma. Finds Route Stop Patterns with stops_visited in stop_pattern.
- trips: any one or more trip ids, separated by comma. Finds Route Stop Patterns with specified trips in trips.
- per_page: number of results per page, by default 50
- page_all: page over all responses


- geometry: either Polygon or MultiPolygon, to search for stops within
  the geometry. If a Polygon or MultiPolygon is provided, the search
  will be done by bounding box, and then results will be filtered for
- origin_onestop_id: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs from origin. Accepts multiple Onestop IDs, separated by commas
- destination_onestop_id: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs to a destination. Accepts multiple Onestop IDs, separated by commas
- date: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs from origin on date
- service_from_date: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs in effect from a date
- service_before_date: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs in effect before a date
- origin_departure_between: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs with origin_departure_time in a range
- trip: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs by trip identifier
- route_onestop_id: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs by route. Accepts multiple Onestop IDs, separated by commas.
- operator_onestop_id: Find all Schedule Stop Pairs by operator. Accepts multiple Onestop IDs, separated by commas.
- active: Schedule Stop Pairs from active FeedVersions
- per_page: number of results per page, by default 50
- page_all: page over all responses

Onestop ID

- oid: a Onestop ID for any type of entity (for example, a stop or an operator)


- geometry: either Polygon or MultiPolygon, to search for stops within
  the geometry. If a Polygon or MultiPolygon is provided, the search
  will be done by bounding box, and then results will be filtered for



bumpversion minor
python setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/transitland_wrapper-0.1.0.tar.gz



  • 添加源终结点
  • 默认情况下,将page-all设置为false


  • 修复字符串被视为要联接的iterable的错误


  • 修复routes cli使用operators API端点的错误


  • 添加分页大小参数
  • 添加选项“不翻页覆盖所有响应”


  • 添加onestop_id终结点


  • 添加路由停止模式和调度停止对终结点


  • 尝试修复PyPI包


  • PyPI的初始版本

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