


boost.icl interval container library 自我介绍为:

Intervals are almost ubiquitous in software development. Yet they are very
easily coded into user defined classes by a pair of numbers so they are only
implicitly used most of the time. The meaning of an interval is simple.
They represent all the elements between their lower and upper bound and
thus a set. But unlike sets, intervals usually can not be added to a single
new interval. If you want to add intervals to a collection of intervals that
does still represent a set, you arrive at the idea of interval_sets provided
by this library.

Interval containers of the ICL have been developed initially at Cortex Software
GmbH to solve problems related to date and time interval computations in the
context of a Hospital Information System. Time intervals with associated values
like amount of invoice or set of therapies had to be manipulated in statistics,
billing programs and therapy scheduling programs. So the ICL emerged out of
those industrial use cases. It extracts generic code that helps to solve common
problems from the date and time problem domain and can be beneficial in other
fields as well.

One of the most advantageous aspects of interval containers is their very compact
representation of sets and maps. Working with sets and maps of elements can be
very inefficient, if in a given problem domain, elements are typically occurring
in contiguous chunks. Besides a compact representation of associative containers,
that can reduce the cost of space and time drastically, the ICL comes with a
universal mechanism of aggregation, that allows to combine associated values in
meaningful ways when intervals overlap on insertion.

PyICL旨在将C++ BooStudio.ICL库的大部分功能呈现给Python。 以直观的方式使用。

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