
2024-09-26 04:41:42 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


import requests #grabs HTML from remote file
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #core scraping module
import csv #prints results to a file
import time #adds delay and avoid overloading host server
from urllib.request import urlopen

# create file to hold scraped data.
artist_csv_file = open('artist_data.csv', 'w')
csv_writer = csv.writer(artist_csv_file)
# nominate header columns for the CSV
csv_writer.writerow(['date_text', 'artist', 'track', 'url'])

# read in a list of URLs to scrap (testing with 3 of 500+ pages)
contents = []
with open('Rage-links.csv','r') as csvf: # Open file in read mode
    urls = csv.reader(csvf)
    for url in urls:
        page = urlopen(url[0]).read()
        rage = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

        # identify page section with artist and track names
        playlist = rage.find('div', class_='comp-rich-text article-text clearfix')   

        # open a CSV file to collect results. And set file's column headers
        artist_csv_file = open('artist_data.csv', 'w')
        csv_writer = csv.writer(artist_csv_file)
        csv_writer.writerow(['date_text', 'artist', 'track', 'url'])

        # capture date from the page
        rage_date = rage.find('div', class_='view-comp-publish-date')
        date_text = rage_date.time.text

        # define the artist and define song title as its sibling
        artist = playlist.find('strong')
        # track = playlist.strong.next_sibling

        # loop through the HTML, write date, artist and track data.
        for artist in playlist.find_all('strong'):
            time.sleep(.1) # delay scrape for .1 seconds
            csv_writer.writerow([date_text, artist, artist.next_sibling, url])

# close the CSV file


我想知道我是否像这篇文章(Pandas prints to screen corrently but saves only some data to csv)那样试图一次捕获太多的数据,但解释超出了我的技能水平

Tags: andcsvthetotextfromimporturl
1楼 · 发布于 2024-09-26 04:41:42
artist_csv_file = open('artist_data.csv', 'w')



urls = csv.reader(csvf)

#create/clean artist_data.csv and insert column headers 
with open ('artist_data.csv', 'w+') as artist_csv_file:
    csv_writer = csv.writer(artist_csv_file)
    csv_writer.writerow(['date_text', 'artist', 'track', 'url'])

# this opens the file once for writing the column headers, this first opening with 'w+' makes sure previous content gets cleaned
# if the file is always empty when you run the program you could all in one context manager with 'a+'. 

#now open the csv in append mode and do the scraping
with open('artist_data.csv', 'a') as artist_csv_file:

    csv_writer = csv.writer(artist_csv_file)

    for url in urls:

        # these lines should be removed from the loop-body
        artist_csv_file = open('artist_data.csv', 'w')
        csv_writer = csv.writer(artist_csv_file)
        csv_writer.writerow(['date_text', 'artist', 'track', 'url'])

# no close statement at the end needed. 


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