



它还提供了一种简单的方式来播放wave,如果安装了PyOgg,甚至可以播放ogg vorbis、ogg opus和flac文件。


pip install PyOpenAL

pyopenal需要一个共享的openal库(例如openal32.dll),其中一个windows发行版已经附带了(OpenAL Soft由kcat提供)。 您可以使用official OpenAL library(已弃用)或任何其他兼容的库,如前面提到的OpenAL Soft library,它仍在积极开发中。

OpenAL C++ tutorial。 openal的方法期望c类型作为参数,这意味着您必须使用ctypes将python的类型转换为c类型,如果您想直接使用它们。 不过,不用担心,pyopenal可以不用这么做。

我取消了对alut的支持,因为现在基本上不可能构建它。如果您需要alut支持,请使用原始的python-openal from forrestv


# import PyOpenAL (will require an OpenAL shared library)fromopenalimport*# import the time module, for sleeping during playbackimporttime# open our wave filesource=oalOpen("test.wav")# and start playbacksource.play()# check if the file is still playingwhilesource.get_state()==AL_PLAYING:# wait until the file is done playingtime.sleep(1)# release resources (don't forget this)oalQuit()
播放ogg opus文件(使用pyogg)
# This requires PyOgg to be installed ( pip install pyogg )fromopenalimport*importtimesource=oalOpen("test.opus")source.play()whilesource.get_state()==AL_PLAYING:time.sleep(1)# remember, don't forget to quitoalQuit()
fromopenalimport*# The following two lines are optional. You can use them, if you can't update the stream frequently enough# This one specifies how much data is supposed to be stored in each buffer (only applies for OGG Vorbis and Opus files)pyoggSetStreamBufferSize(4096*4)# This one sets the maximum amount of buffers to be created at a timeoalSetStreamBufferCount(4)sourceStream=oalStream("test.ogg")sourceStream.play()whilesourceStream.get_state()==AL_PLAYING:# do stuff[...]# update the stream (load new data)# if you don't do this repeatedly, the stream will suffocatesourceStream.update()oalQuit()


# Here we only import OpenAL's functions # (in case you don't need or want PyOpenAL's functions and classes)fromopenal.alimport*fromopenal.alcimport*[...]# It's as simple as that:alDistanceModel(AL_INVERSE_DISTANCE_CLAMPED)# Or a little more complicated, it really depends:alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source_id,1,ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_uint(buffer_ids[id])))[...]


<method> oalInit(device_specifier = None, context_attr_list = None) -> None
	# initializes PyOpenAL
	# this is called automatically, unless you set OAL_DONT_AUTO_INIT
		<c_char_p> device_specifier # you can set a custom device with this
		<c_int_p> context_attr_list # you can pass additional arguments to context creation

<method> oalGetInit() -> <bool> initialized
	# finds out wether or not PyOpenAL is initialized

<method> oalQuit() -> None
	# exits out of OpenAL and destroys all existing Sources and Buffers

<method> oalOpen(path, ext_hint = None) -> Source
	# loads a WAVE / Ogg Vorbis / Ogg Opus / FLAC file to a Source object
		<str> path # path to the file (relative or absolute)
		<str> ext_hint # if the filetype is not wav, wave, ogg, vorbis or opus, you should supply a hint to the extension

<method> oalStream(path, ext_hint = None) -> SourceStream
	# loads a WAVE /  Ogg Vorbis / Ogg Opus / FLAC file to a SourceStream object, that streams the data
	# you should use this instead of Source for Soundtracks or other long tracks (as it uses less memory)
	# you will have to update it frequently to avoid suffocation of the stream
	# you can neither rewind nor loop a SourceStream (currently)
		<str> path # path to the file (relative or absolute)
		<str> ext_hint # if the filetype is not ogg, vorbis or opus, you should supply a hint to the extension

<class> openal.Listener()
	# class for hadling the listener (you)
	# an instance of this class is created when you import PyOpenAL.
	# it can be retrieved using oalGetListener()
	# you do NOT have to create an instance yourself

	<method> Listener.move(v)
		# move the listener by v
			<tuple or list> v # a translation vector represented as (x, y, z)

	<method> Listener.move_to(v)
		# set the listener's position to v
			<tuple or list> v # a position vector represented as (x, y, z)

	<method> Listener.set_position(v)
		# see Listener.move_to

	<method> Listener.set_orientation(v)
		# sets the listener's orientation to v
			<tuple or list> v # orientation represented as (frontX, frontY, frontZ, upX, upY, upZ)

	<method> Listener.set_velocity(v)
		# sets the listener's velocity to v
			<tuple or list> v # velocity represented as (vX, vY, vZ)

	<method> Listener.set_gain(value)
		# sets the listener's gain (volume) to value
			<float> value

<method> openal.oalGetListener() -> Listener
	# returns PyOpenAL's Listener

<class> openal.Source(buffer_ = None)
	# class for managing a source
		<Buffer> buffer_ # where this source finds it's data

	<method> Source.play() -> None
		# starts playing

	<method> Source.stop() -> None
		# stops playback

	<method> Source.pause() -> None
		# pauses playback (use play to resume)

	<method> Source.rewind() -> None
		# goes back to the start of the track

	<float> Source.pitch
		# the source's current pitch

	<float> Source.gain
		# the source's current gain

	<float> Source.max_distance
		# the source's current max_distance

	<float> Source.rolloff_factor
		# the source's current rolloff_factor

	<float> Source.reference_distance
		# the source's current reference_distance

	<float> Source.min_gain
		# the source's current min_gain

	<float> Source.max_gain
		# the source's current max_gain

	<float> Source.cone_outer_angle
		# the source's current cone_outer_angle

	<float> Source.cone_inner_angle
		# the source's current cone_inner_angle

	<float> Source.cone_outer_gain
		# the source's current cone_outer_gain

	<vec3> Source.position
		# the source's current position (use .x, .y, and .z to access it's items or .toTuple())

	<vec3> Source.velocity
		# the source's current velocity (use .x, .y, and .z to access it's items or .toTuple())

	<vec3> Source.direction
		# the source's current velocity (use .x, .y, and .z to access it's items or .toTuple())

	<bool> Source.relative
		# wether or not the source is relative to the listener

	<int> Source.source_type
		# the source's current source_type (either AL_UNDETERMINED, AL_STATIC or AL_STREAMING)

	<method> Source.set_pitch(value) -> None
		# set the pitch for this source
			<float> value # pitch

	<method> Source.set_gain(value) -> None
		# set the gain for this source
			<float> value # gain

	<method> Source.set_max_distance(value) -> None
		# set the max_distance for this source
			<float> value # max_distance

	<method> Source.set_rolloff_factor(value) -> None
		# set the rolloff_factor for this source
			<float> value # rolloff_factor

	<method> Source.set_reference_distance(value) -> None
		# set the reference_distance for this source
			<float> value # reference_distance

	<method> Source.set_min_gain(value) -> None
		# set the min_gain for this source
			<float> value # min_gain

	<method> Source.set_max_gain(value) -> None
		# set the max_gain for this source
			<float> value # max_gain

	<method> Source.set_cone_outer_gain(value) -> None
		# set the cone_outer_gain for this source
			<float> value # cone_outer_gain

	<method> Source.set_cone_inner_angle(value) -> None
		# set the cone_inner_angle for this source
			<float> value # cone_inner_angle

	<method> Source.set_cone_outer_angle(value) -> None
		# set the cone_outer_angle for this source
			<float> value # cone_outer_angle

	<method> Source.set_position(value) -> None
		# set the position for this source
			<tuple or list> value # position

	<method> Source.set_velocity(value) -> None
		# set the velocity for this source
			<tuple or list> value # velocity

	<method> Source.set_looping(value) -> None
		# set the looping for this source
			<bool> value # looping

	<method> Source.set_direction(value) -> None
		# set the direction for this source
			<tuple or list> value # direction

	<method> Source.set_source_relative(value) -> None
		# set the source_relative for this source
			<bool> value # source_relative

	<method> Source.set_source_type(value) -> None
		# set the source_type for this source
			<int> value # source_type

	<method> Source.set_buffer(buffer_) -> None
		# set the buffer for this source
			<Buffer> value # buffer

	<method> Source.get_state() -> <int> state of the Source (e.g. AL_PLAYING, AL_STOPPED,etc.)
		# get the current state of the source

<class> openal.SourceStream(stream)
	# class for managing a source in streaming mode
		<PYOGG-Stream> stream # where the buffer gets it's data from

	<method> update() -> <bool> playing
		# load more data to play (if necessary). 
		# if you don't call this frequently, the source will stop playing after it reaches the last buffer
		# in that case you should consider increasing the buffer size or amount using oalSetStreamBufferCount or pyoggSetStreamBufferSize

<class> openal.Buffer(*args)
	# class for managing OpenAL buffers
		<File or tuple or list> args # what to fill the buffer with (either y PyOgg file or a tuple / list with [format, data, length, frequency])

	<method> Buffer.fill(*args) -> None
		# fill the buffer
			<File or tuple or list> args # what to fill the buffer with (either y PyOgg file or a tuple / list with [format, data, length, frequency])

	<method> Buffer.destroy() -> None
		# destroy this buffer

<class> openal.StreamBuffer(stream, count)
	# class for managing OpenAL buffers for audio streaming
		<PYOGG-Stream> stream # from where to get the data
		<int> count # how many buffers to create (usually OAL_STREAM_BUFFER_COUNT, which is 2 initially)

	<method> Buffer.fill_buffer(id_) -> None
		# fill the buffer
			<int> id_ # load some data into this buffer

	<method> Buffer.destroy() -> None
		# destroy this streambuffer

<method> oalGetEnum(enum) -> <str> ENUM
	# returns a literal representation of enum 
		<int> enum # AL_ or ALC_ enumerator

<method> oalGetALEnum(enum) -> <str> ENUM
	# returns a literal representation of an AL_ enum 
		<int> enum # AL_ enumerator

<method> oalGetALCEnum(enum) -> <str> ENUM
	# returns a literal representation of an ALC_ enum 
		<int> enum # ALC_ enumerator

<method> oalGetContext() -> <int> context
	# returns the context used by PyOpenAL

<method> oalGetDevice() -> <int> device
	# returns the device used by PyOpenAL

<method> oalSetAutoInit(val) -> None
	# changes wether or not PyOpenAL initializes automatically
		<bool> val # wether or not to auto-init

	# The other methods and variables are the same as in Source 
	# (note that you can't loop, because the file can be read only once (by now))

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