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pip install openseries




capirisc = 'SE0009807308'
bonds = OpenTimeSeries.from_open_nav(isin=capirisc)


print(f'Return    : {bonds.geo_ret:.2%}\nVolatility: {bonds.vol:.2%}.')


basket = OpenFrame([series, bonds])




basket.weights = [0.6, 0.4]
portfolio = OpenTimeSeries.from_df(basket.make_portfolio('porfolio'))






series.pyDefines the class OpenTimeSeries for managing and analyzing a single timeseries. The module also defines a function ^{} that can be used to chain two timeseries objects together.
frame.pyDefines the class OpenFrame for managing a group of timeseries, and e.g. calculate a portfolio timeseries from a rebalancing strategy between timeseries.
captor_open_api_sdk.pyA Python SDK to interact with the Captor Open API.
datefixer.pyA module with date utilities.
helpfilewriter.pyA module that allows printing a description of a Python class.
openseries.jsonThe jsonschema of the OpenTimeSeries class.
plotly_layouts.jsonA module setting Plotly defaults used in the ^{} methods.
plotly_captor_logo.jsonA module with a link to the Captor logo used in the ^{} methods.
risk.pyModule with methods used to calculate VaR, CVaR and drawdowns.
sim_price.pyModule to simulate OpenTimeSeries from different stochastic processes.
stoch_processes.pyModule to generate stochastic processes used in the ^{} module.
sweden_holidays.pyModule that defines a Swedish business calendar.




AttributetypeApplies toDescription
^{}^{}^{}Captor database identifier for the timeseries.
^{}^{}^{}Captor database identifier for the instrument associated with the timeseries.
^{}^{}^{}Dates of the timeseries. Not edited by any method to allow reversion to original.
^{}^{}^{}Values of the timeseries. Not edited by any method to allow reversion to original.
^{}^{}^{}Currency of the timeseries. Only used if conversion/hedging methods are added.
^{}^{}^{}Domestic currency of the user / investor. Only used if conversion/hedging methods are added.
^{}^{}^{}Indicates if series should be in its local currency or the domestic currency of the user. Only used if conversion/hedging methods are added.
^{}^{}^{}An identifier field.
^{}^{}^{}ISIN code of the associated instrument. If any.
^{}^{}^{}Field used in outputs. Derived from name as default.
^{}^{}^{}Field identifies a series of values, "Price(Close)", or a series of returns, "Return(Total)".


AttributetypeApplies toDescription
^{}^{}^{}A list of the OpenTimeSeries that make up an OpenFrame.
^{}^{}^{}A list of the level zero column names in the OpenFrame pandas.DataFrame.
^{}^{}^{}A list of the level one column names in the OpenFrame pandas.DataFrame.
^{}^{}^{}Number of columns in the OpenFrame pandas.DataFrame.
^{}^{}^{}Weights used in the method ^{}.
^{}^{}^{}First dates of all the series in the OpenFrame.
^{}^{}^{}Last dates of all the series in the OpenFrame.
^{}^{}^{}Number of items in each of the series in the OpenFrame.


AttributetypeApplies toDescription
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}First date of the series.
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}Last date of the series.
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}Number of items in the series.
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}The Pandas DataFrame which gets edited by the class methods.
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}A calendar object used to generate business days.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Date when the maximum drawdown occurred.
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}The number of observations in an average year for all days in the data.
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}Length of timeseries expressed as np.float64 fraction of a year with 365.25 days.


MethodApplies toDescription
^{}^{}Class method that defines the ^{} attribute and a ^{} business day calendar.
^{}^{}Method to validate the OpenTimeSeries input against the openseries.json jsonschema.
^{}^{}Method to export the OpenTimeSeries ^{} to a json file.
^{}^{}Method to create the ^{} pandas.DataFrame from the ^{} and ^{}.
^{}^{}Method to change the pandas.DataFrame column MultiIndex.
^{}^{}Adjusts the series performance with a ^{} factor.


MethodApplies toDescription
^{}^{}Truncates the OpenFrame to a common period.
^{}^{}Adds a given OpenTimeSeries to the OpenFrame.
^{}^{}Deletes an OpenTimeSeries from the OpenFrame.
^{}^{}Calculates a new series that is the relative performance of two others.
^{}^{}Calculates a portfolio timeseries from series and weights.
^{}^{}Calculates and adds a series of rolling correlations between two other series.
^{}^{}Calculates the Beta and a Ordinary Least Squares fitted series from two others.


MethodApplies toDescription
^{}^{}, ^{}Aligns the series dates to a business calendar. Defaults to Sweden.
^{}^{}, ^{}Resamples the series to a specific frequency.
^{}^{}, ^{}Fills ^{} in a value series with the preceding non-Nan value.
^{}^{}, ^{}Replaces ^{} in a return series with a 0.0 ^{}.
^{}^{}, ^{}Converts a return series into a value series or resets a value series to start from 1.0.
^{}^{}, ^{}Converts a value series into a percentage return series.
^{}^{}, ^{}Converts a value series into a series of differences.
^{}^{}, ^{}Converts a value series into a logarithmic return series.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns the series simple return for a specific calendar period.
^{}^{}, ^{}Opens a HTML Plotly plot of the series in a browser window.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns detailed drawdown characteristics.
^{}^{}, ^{}Converts the series into drawdown series.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling returns.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling volatilities.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling VaR figures.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns a pandas.DataFrame with rolling CVaR figures.
^{}^{}, ^{}Returns the start and end dates of a range from specific period definitions. Used by the below numeric methods and not meant to be used independently.


AttributetypeApplies toDescription
^{}^{}^{}, ^{}Returns most of the properties in one go.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Arithmetic annualized log return.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Geometric annualized return.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Annualized time weighted return.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Simple return from first to last observation.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Annualized volatility. Pandas .std() is the equivalent of stdev.s([...]) in MS excel.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Ratio of geometric return and annualized volatility.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Downside 95% Value At Risk, "VaR". The equivalent of percentile.inc([...], 1-level) over returns in MS Excel. For other confidence levels use the corresponding method.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Downside 95% Conditional Value At Risk, "CVaR". For other confidence levels use the corresponding method.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Most negative percentage change.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Most negative month.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Maximum drawdown.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Max drawdown in a single calendar year.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}The share of percentage changes that are positive.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Implied annualized volatility from the Downside VaR using the assumption that returns are normally distributed.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Skew of the return distribution.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Kurtosis of the return distribution.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Z-score as (last return - mean return) / standard deviation of returns.
^{}^{}^{}A correlation matrix.



MethodtypeApplies toDescription
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Arithmetic annualized log return.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Geometric annualized return.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Annualized time weighted return.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Simple return from first to last observation.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Annualized volatility. Pandas .std() is the equivalent of stdev.s([...]) in MS excel.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Ratio of geometric return and annualized volatility.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Downside Value At Risk, "VaR". The equivalent of percentile.inc([...], 1-level) over returns in MS Excel. Default is 95% confidence level.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Downside Conditional Value At Risk, "CVaR". Default is 95% confidence level.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Most negative percentage change.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Most negative month.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}The share of percentage changes that are positive.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Implied annualized volatility from the Downside VaR using the assumption that returns are normally distributed.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Skew of the return distribution.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Kurtosis of the return distribution.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}Z-score as (last return - mean return) / standard deviation of returns.
^{}^{}, ^{}^{}, ^{}A position target weight from the ratio between a VaR implied volatility and a given target volatility.

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