


  • Opening molecular .xyz files.
  • Helps generating nicely formatted Molpro or Gaussian input files for quantum chemical calculations.
  • Conversion between Cartesian and internal coordinate representations.
  • Molecular shape matching based on the Kabsch-Umeyama algorithm.
  • Calculating atomic distances, bond angles and dihedral angles.
  • Calculating the principal moments of inertia.
  • Generating permuted geometries.
  • Calculating the Euler angles from 3-dimensional rotation matrices.
  • Calculating the molecular adjacency list based on atomic distances.
  • Some chemical graph-theoretical tools derived from the adjacency list.


  • Only supporting dummy atoms for converting internal coordinate representations (Z-matrices) to Cartesian.
  • A Cartesian representation can be converted to Z-matrix if all atoms (with the exception of the first) are connected to at least one atom with an index lower than its own.

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