有 Java 编程相关的问题?




请注意,该代码从不使用“extends”,只使用“super E”,而是出于某种特殊原因 提出了“扩展”

import java.util.Comparator;

public class TestClass <E> {

    private Comparator<? super E> compNatural = new Comparator<E>() {
        public int compare(E lhs, E rhs) {
            return ((Comparable<E>)lhs).compareTo(rhs);

    private Comparator<? super E> comp; 

    public TestClass(Comparator<? super E> comp) {
        // Reports an error:
        // Type mismatch: cannot convert from Comparator<capture#10-of ? extends Object> to Comparator<? super E> 
        this.comp = (comp==null) ? compNatural : comp;

        // The following compiles OK!!!
        if (comp==null) this.comp = compNatural; else this.comp = comp;         


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