
2024-10-03 00:22:21 发布

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  • 使用python3并且只使用内置函数(不使用numpy)。你知道吗
  • 主要任务:在5秒内找到并存储结果。你知道吗
  • 小任务,很好:不仅要找到基b=3的值,还要找到基b=3**k(k=2,3,4)的值。你知道吗



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Convert a long random sequence of base-10 digits to integers base 3**k with k=1,2,3,4
# Task for phdgroupA: length of sequence is 1.5*(10**6)
#                     time < 5 sec
#                     Use Python 3 (standard libraries only, no numpy) !
# Testcase with a very small sequence, made purely of the digit 7:
# (see sagemath or www.math.com/tables/general/base_conv.htm)
# numlen = 12  -->  777777777777_base10
#                =  2202100120200002212221010_base3
#                =  2670520085833_base9
#                =  2k9fi2np3_base27   ("digits": 0123456789ab...pq)
#                   [2, 20, 9, 15, 18, 2, 23, 25, 3]
#                =  2[61]5[18]8[53][30]_base81
#                   [2, 61, 5, 18, 8, 53, 30]

# Convert decimal number n to a sequence of list elements with integer values in the range 0 to base-1.
# With divmod, it's ca. 1/3 faster than using n%b and then n//=b.
def numberToBase(n, b):
    digits = []
    while n:
        n, rem = divmod(n, b)
    return digits[::-1]

# Step 0: Create string of nlen digits
def step0(nlen):
    rd = 7  # which digit to repeat
    string_val = "".join(str(rd) for i in range(nlen))
    return string_val  # end of step0()

# Step 1: Convert string to int (the string contains only decimal digits)
def step1(string_val, option_chunk=True):
    if option_chunk == True:
        string_val_len = len(string_val)
        Chunk_len = 90000
        Read_len = 0
        int_valChunk = 0
        int_valLocal = 0
        ii = 0
        while Read_len < string_val_len:
            string_val_ChunkRead = string_val[ii*Chunk_len:(ii+1)*Chunk_len]
            Chunk_lenRead = len(string_val_ChunkRead)
            int_valChunk = int(string_val_ChunkRead)
            ii += 1
            int_valLocal = int_valLocal * 10**Chunk_lenRead + int_valChunk
            Read_len += Chunk_lenRead
        int_val = int_valLocal
        int_val = int(string_val)
    return int_val  # end of step1()

# Step 2: Convert given integer to another base
def step2(n, b, convsteps):
    nList = []
    if convsteps == 3:  # Here the conversion is done in 3 steps
        expos = 10000, 300
        base_a = b ** expos[0]
        base_b = b ** expos[1]
        nList1 = numberToBase(n, base_a)  # That's the time killer in this part
        nList2 = [numberToBase(ll, base_b) for ll in nList1]
        nList3 = [numberToBase(mm, b) for ll in nList2 for mm in ll]
        nList = [mm for ll in nList3 for mm in ll]
    else: # Do conversion in one bulk
        nList = numberToBase(n, b)
    return nList  # end of step2()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Calculate the string of digits
    numlen = 1500000  # number of digits = length of sequence
    string_value = step0(numlen)

    # Calculate the integer value of the string_value
    int_value = step1(string_value, option_chunk=True)

    # Convert int_value to list of numbers of the given bases
    convsteps = 3  # value of '3' makes step2() 50-60 times faster than value '1'

    b = 3
    numList = step2(int_value, b, convsteps)
    print('3**1: numList begin:', numList[:10])  # Expect: [2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1]



  • 第0步:获取数据。 为了测试的目的,我们在这里创建一个 长度为150万位的十进制数字。 这个值通常是我们从文件中随机得到的值。 然后将序列存储为字符串。你知道吗
  • 步骤1:将该字符串转换为整数(默认值是以10为基数)。你知道吗
  • 第2步:将该整数转换为以b=3为基数的整数。你知道吗


  1. 步骤2中使用的helper函数numberToBase(n,b), 将整数n转换为以b为底的整数。结果是一个列表 以b为基数的十进制整数。以序列的形式读取列表 是基数b中的结果数。通过 使用内置函数“divmod”而不是两个命令n%b 在while循环中n//=b。这带来了 因素2。

  2. 函数step2(n,b,convsteps)将给定的整数n转换为 基数b的整数(b=3)。最初,我们称之为 助手函数一次。然后,我们介绍了 第二步的中间步骤,所以n没有迁移到最后一步 一步到位,三步到位。中间碱含量较高 比最终的碱基b大。这些中间碱基的转换使步骤 2快得多:60倍。

  3. 通过分块读取字符串并分别对每个垃圾进行转换,使函数step1的速度提高了4倍。


Tags: oftheto函数inforbasestring
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-03 00:22:21


def convert_base3_to_base9(s):
    s = '0'*(len(s)%2) + s # ensure that the string is the right length
    return "".join(base3to9[s[i:i+2]] for i in range(0,len(s),2))

# 5176533


base3to27 = {
def convert_base3_to_base27(s):
    s = '0'*(len(s)%3) + s # ensure that the string is the right length
    return "".join(base3to27[s[i:i+3]] for i in range(0,len(s),3))


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