
2024-06-17 10:24:42 发布

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1.Original data (O)
a. Randomly resampled dataset1 (RD1)
b. Randomly resampled dataset2 (RD2)
c. Randomly resampled dataset3 (RD3)
d. Randomly resampled dataset4 (RD4)
e. Randomly resampled dataset5 (RD5)
2. remove RD from O 
a. O - RD1 = New dataset1
b. O - RD2 = New dataset2
c. O - RD3 = New dataset3
d. O - RD4 = New dataset4
e. O - RD5 = New dataset5




Tags: 数据new原始数据randomlyresampleddataset1dataset2dataset4



$ cat tst.awk
function shuf(array,    i, j, t) {
    # Shuffles an array indexed by numbers from 1 to its length
    # Copied from https://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Knuth_shuffle#AWK
    for (i=length(array); i > 1; i ) {
        # j = random integer from 1 to i
        j = int(i * rand()) + 1

        # swap array[i], array[j]
        t = array[i]
        array[i] = array[j]
        array[j] = t

{ arr[NR] = $0 }

    numBlocks = 5
    pct10 = length(arr) * 0.1
    for (i=1; i<=numBlocks; i++) {
        print "   - Block", i
        for (j=1; j<=pct10; j++) {
            print ++c, arr[c]
            delete arr[c]
    print "\n   - Remaining"
    for (i in arr) {
        print i, arr[i]




$ seq 30 | awk -f tst.awk
   - Block 1
1 17
2 15
3 22
   - Block 2
4 19
5 1
6 13
   - Block 3
7 7
8 10
9 28
   - Block 4
10 5
11 2
12 8
   - Block 5
13 16
14 11
15 30

   - Remaining
16 14
17 18
18 26
19 4
20 29
21 12
22 21
23 27
24 3
25 24
26 6
27 9
28 23
29 20
30 25
# Reproducible data    
data <- mtcars
n <- nrow(data)
K <- 5
# Get indices for splitting
ind <- integer(n)
new <- rep(1:K, each = 0.1 * n)
ind[sample(n, size = length(new))] <- new
# Split data
split(data, ind)

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