
2024-10-03 00:17:38 发布

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我已经成功地创建了一个表,显示从第一个嵌套字典(以'Vendor'开头)的键创建的列。行名是'HexaPlex x50'。其中一列包含带有数字的计算机,即嵌套字典:




Screenshot of current table display


Screenshot of preferred table with one dictionary entry per row



我还面临这样一个问题:在一个例子中,包含计算机的字典非常大,以至于即使我设置了pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1),它也会被缩写。看起来是这样的:

Close-up of dictionary string

Tags: 版本数据结构字典计算机数字python3键值vendor
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-03 00:17:38


您提到的问题(parsing a dictionary in a pandas dataframe cell into new row cells (new columns))中的答案将为每个计算机名生成新的(帧宽)列。考虑到您的域模型,我怀疑这是否是您的目标。在

pandas的缩写可以通过使用另一个输出引擎来避免,例如tabulatePretty Printing a pandas dataframe):

# standard pandas output
       Vendor BIOS Version Newest BIOS Against M & S W10 Support     Computer Location      ...          Category4     Category5     Category6     Category7     Category8     Category9     Category0
0  Dell  Inc.      12.72.9     12.73.9           Yes         Yes  someName001  12.72.9      ...       SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
1  Dell  Inc.      12.72.9     12.73.9           Yes         Yes  someName002  12.73.9      ...       SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
2  Dell  Inc.      12.73.9     12.73.9           Yes         Yes  someName003  12.73.9      ...       SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory

[3 rows x 17 columns]

# tabulate psql (with headers)
+  +      +        +       -+        -+       -+      -+      +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +
|    | Vendor     | BIOS Version   | Newest BIOS   | Against M & S   | W10 Support   | Computer    | Location   | Category1    | Category2    | Category3    | Category4    | Category5    | Category6    | Category7    | Category8    | Category9    | Category0    |
|  +      +        +       -+        -+       -+      -+      +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       |
|  0 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName001 | 12.72.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
|  1 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName002 | 12.73.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
|  2 | Dell  Inc. | 12.73.9        | 12.73.9       | Yes             | Yes           | someName003 | 12.73.9    | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
+  +      +        +       -+        -+       -+      -+      +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +

# tabulate psql
+ -+      +    -+    -+  -+  -+      -+    -+       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +
| 0 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9 | 12.73.9 | Yes | Yes | someName001 | 12.72.9 | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
| 1 | Dell  Inc. | 12.72.9 | 12.73.9 | Yes | Yes | someName002 | 12.73.9 | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
| 2 | Dell  Inc. | 12.73.9 | 12.73.9 | Yes | Yes | someName003 | 12.73.9 | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory | SomeCategory |
+ -+      +    -+    -+  -+  -+      -+    -+       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +       +

# tabulate plain
    Vendor      BIOS Version    Newest BIOS    Against M & S    W10 Support    Computer     Location    Category1     Category2     Category3     Category4     Category5     Category6     Category7     Category8     Category9     Category0
 0  Dell  Inc.  12.72.9         12.73.9        Yes              Yes            someName001  12.72.9     SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
 1  Dell  Inc.  12.72.9         12.73.9        Yes              Yes            someName002  12.73.9     SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory
 2  Dell  Inc.  12.73.9         12.73.9        Yes              Yes            someName003  12.73.9     SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory  SomeCategory

您还可以使用一些groupBy(..).apply(..)+string magic来生成一个字符串表示,它只隐藏重复项:


样式化的输出可以通过新的Styling API生成,它仍然是临时的并且正在开发中

styled pandas output with some cells highlighted in red


styled pandas output with some cells highlighted in red and some hidden


import pandas as pd
from tabulate import tabulate
import functools

def pprint(df, headers=True, fmt='psql'):
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18528533/pretty-printing-a-pandas-dataframe
    print(tabulate(df, headers='keys' if headers else '', tablefmt=fmt))

df = pd.DataFrame({
        'Type': ['HexaPlex x50'] * 3,
        'Vendor': ['Dell  Inc.'] * 3,
        'BIOS Version': ['12.72.9', '12.72.9', '12.73.9'],
        'Newest BIOS': ['12.73.9'] * 3,
        'Against M & S': ['Yes'] * 3,
        'W10 Support': ['Yes'] * 3,
        'Computer': ['someName001', 'someName002', 'someName003'],
        'Location': ['12.72.9', '12.73.9', '12.73.9'],
        'Category1': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category2': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category3': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category4': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category5': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category6': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category7': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category8': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category9': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,
        'Category0': ['SomeCategory'] * 3,

print("# standard pandas print")

print("\n# tabulate tablefmt=psql (with headers)")
print("\n# tabulate tablefmt=psql")
pprint(df, headers=False)
print("\n# tabulate tablefmt=plain")
pprint(df, fmt='plain')

def merge_cells_for_print(rows, ls='\n'):
    result = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in rows.columns:
        vals = rows[col].values
        if all([val == vals[0] for val in vals]):
            result[col] = [vals[0]]
            result[col] = [ls.join(vals)]
    return result

print("\n# tabulate + merge manually")

# https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/style.html
# https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.22.0/generated/pandas.io.formats.style.Styler.apply.html#pandas.io.formats.style.Styler.apply

def highlight_lower(ref, col):
    return [f'color: {"red" if hgl else ""}' for hgl in col < ref]

def merge_duplicates(col):
    vals = col.values
    return [''] + ['color: transparent' if curr == pred else ''  for pred, curr in zip(vals[1:], vals)]

with open('only_red.html', 'w+') as f:
    style = df.style
    style = style.apply(functools.partial(highlight_lower, df['Newest BIOS']),
                        subset=['BIOS Version'])

with open('red_and_merged.html', 'w+') as f:
    style = df.style
    style = style.apply(functools.partial(highlight_lower, df['Newest BIOS']),
                        subset=['BIOS Version'])
    style = style.apply(merge_duplicates)

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