
2024-06-26 11:04:44 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文



db = {"a":{1,2,3}, "b":{5,6,7}, "c":{2,5,4}, "d":{8,11,10,18}, "e":{0,3,2}}



def condition(kv1: tuple, kv2: tuple):
  key1, val1 = kv1
  key2, val2 = kv2

  union = val1 | val2 #just needed for the following line
  maxDif = max(union) - min(union)

  newVal = set()
  for i in range(maxDif):
    auxVal1 = {pos - i for pos in val2}
    auxVal2 = {pos + i for pos in val2}
    intersection1 = val1.intersection(auxVal1)
    intersection2 = val1.intersection(auxVal2)
    print(intersection1, intersection2)
    if (len(intersection1) >= 3):
    if (len(intersection2) >= 3):
      newVal.update({pos - i for pos in intersection2})

  if len(newVal)==0:
    return False
    newKey = "".join(sorted(key1+key2))
    return newKey, newVal



result = {"ab":{1,2,3}, "cde":{0,3,2}, "d":{18}}

Tags: 函数inposfordblenif字典
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-26 11:04:44




db = {"a":{1,2,3}, "b":{5,6,7}, "c":{2,5,4}, "d":{8,11,10,18}, "e":{0,3,2}}

from itertools import product
from collections import Counter

# Apply condition and return a keep-set and a remove-set
# the keep-set will be empty if the matching condition is not met
def merge(A,B,inverted=False):
    minMatch = 3
    distances = Counter(b-a for a,b in product(A,B) if b>=a)
    delta     = [d for d,count in distances.items() if count>=minMatch]
    keep      = {a for a in A if any(a+d in B for d in delta)}
    remove    = {b for b in B if any(b-d in A for d in delta)}
    if len(keep)>=minMatch: return keep,remove
    return None,None
print( merge(db["a"],db["b"]) )  # ({1, 2, 3}, {5, 6, 7})
print( merge(db["e"],db["d"]) )  # ({0, 2, 3}, {8, 10, 11})   


# combine dictionary keys using a merging function/condition
def combine(D,mergeFunction):
    result  = { k:set(v) for k,v in D.items() }  # start with copy of input
    merging = True    
    while merging:    # keep merging until no more merges are performed
        merging = False   
        for a,b in product(*2*[list(result.keys())]): # all key pairs
            if a==b: continue
            if a not in result or b not in result: continue # keys still there?
            m,n = mergeFunction(result[a],result[b])        # call merge function
            if not m : continue                             # if merged ...
            mergedKey = "".join(sorted(set(a+b)))             # combine keys
            result[mergedKey] = m                             # add merged set
            if mergedKey != a: result[a] -= m; merging = True # clean/clear
            if not result[a]: del result[a]                   # original sets,
            if mergedKey != b: result[b] -= n; merging = True # do more merges
            if not result[b]: del result[b]
    return result

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