
2024-10-17 06:15:16 发布

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问题陈述要求我编写一个程序,使用PyInputPlus询问用户的三明治偏好。使用inputMenu获取面包、蛋白质信息。输入不用于奶酪顶部,输入获取三明治数量。最后根据所有选择计算三明治的成本。提出你自己的价格。 如何改进我的程序。这个程序只适用于一种奶酪和一种配料。我应该做什么样的改变才能让程序计算出多种奶酪和配料的总数

import pyinputplus as pypi 

prices = {'Bread':{'Wheat':2, 'White':2, 'Sourdough':3},
          'Protein':{'Chicken':2, 'Turkey':3, 'Ham':3, 'Tofu':2},
          'Cheese':{'Cheddar':1, 'Swiss':1, 'Mozzerella':1},
          'Topping':{'Mayo':0, 'Mustard':0,'Lettuce':1, 'Tomato':1}}
totalPrice = []
bread = pypi.inputMenu(['Wheat','White','Sourdough'],prompt="What kind of Bread would you like?\n",default=None, caseSensitive=False)
breadPrice = prices['Bread'][bread]
totalPrice = breadPrice
protien = pypi.inputMenu(['Chicken', 'Turkey','Ham','Tofu'],prompt="What kind of protein would you like?\n",default=None, caseSensitive=False)
totalPrice += prices['Protein'][protien]
cheese = pypi.inputYesNo("Do you want cheese? Yes/No:\n ", yesVal="yes", noVal="no", caseSensitive=False, default=None, blank=False,)
if cheese == 'yes':
    kindofcheese = pypi.inputMenu(['Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Mozzerella'],prompt="What kind of cheese would you like?\n",default=None, caseSensitive=False)
    totalPrice += prices['Cheese'][kindofcheese]
    print('No cheese selected')

topping = pypi.inputYesNo("Do you want any toppings? Yes/No:\n", yesVal="yes", noVal="no", caseSensitive=False, default=None, blank=False)
if topping == 'yes':
    kindoftopping=pypi.inputMenu(['Mayo', 'Mustard','Tomato','Lettuce'], prompt="What kind of topping would you like?\n",default=None,caseSensitive=False)
    print('No topping selected')

Qty = pypi.inputInt(prompt="How many sandwiches would you like?\n", default=1, blank=False,min=1, lessThan=5)
totalPrice = totalPrice*Qty
print(f"The total amount payable for your sandwich(es) is {totalPrice}")

Tags: 程序pypinoneyoufalsedefaultwhatprompt
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-17 06:15:16

您可以使用while循环添加奶酪/配料,直到用户输入no。 这是奶酪的代码,相应地修改浇头的代码

cheese = 'yes'  # initialize to get the loop running
while cheese == 'yes':  # ask for (additional) cheese until they enter no
    cheese = pypi.inputYesNo("Do you want cheese? Yes/No:\n ", yesVal="yes", noVal="no", caseSensitive=False, default=None, blank=False,)
    if cheese == 'yes':
        kindofcheese = pypi.inputMenu(['Cheddar', 'Swiss', 'Mozzerella'],prompt="What kind of cheese would you like?\n",default=None, caseSensitive=False)
        totalPrice += prices['Cheese'][kindofcheese]
        print('No (more) cheese selected')  # slightly modified status text

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