有 Java 编程相关的问题?




public class HW2tester
   public static void main(String[] args)
      Car car1 = new Car();
      Car car2 = new Car("Ford", 2013, 20000);
      Car car3 = new Car("Audi", 2012, 25000);
      Car car4 = new Car();



  System.out.println("This car is " + car1.getBrand() + ", year " + car1.getYear() + ", price " + car1.getPrice());
  System.out.println("This car is " + car2.getBrand() + ", year " + car2.getYear() + ", price " + car2.getPrice());
  System.out.println("This car is " + car3.getBrand() + ", year " + car3.getYear() + ", price " + car3.getPrice());
  System.out.println("This car is " + car4.getBrand() + ", year " + car4.getYear() + ", price " + car4.getPrice());

  System.out.println("The total car number is: " + car1.getNumber());
  System.out.println("The total car number is: " + car2.getNumber());
  System.out.println("The total car number is: " + car3.getNumber());
  System.out.println("The total car number is: " + car4.getNumber());


public class Car
   private int year;
   private String brand;
   private int price;
   private int number;

public Car()
   year = 0;
   brand = null;
   price = 0;
   number = 0;

public Car( int y, String b, int p)
   year = y;
   brand = b;
   price = p;

public void setYear( int y)
   year = y;

public void setBrand( String b)
   brand = b; 

public void setPrice( int p)
   price = p;

public int getYear()
   return year;

public String getBrand()
   return brand;

public int getPrice()
   return price;

public int getNumber()
   return number;


我遇到的问题: 尝试合并计数以显示车辆总数(4) 第一辆车对象car1和最后一辆车4未显示,因为驾驶员类别为空,我无法更改检测仪类别,只能更改我的汽车类别


This car is Chevy, year 2005, price 3000
This car is Ford, year 2011,price 22000
This car is Audi, year 2012, price 25000
This car is Cadillac, year 2005, price 3000
The total car number is: 4
The total car number is: 4
The total car number is: 4
The total car number is: 4

编辑 我做了推荐给我的更改,但由于某种原因,我收到了一条关于字符串到Int转换的错误消息。以下是我所做的更改和收到的错误消息

public class Car
   int year;
   String brand;
   int price;
   static int number;

public Car()
   year = 2005;
   brand = "Chevy";
   price = 3000;

HW2tester.java:6: error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to int
      Car car2 = new Car("Ford", 2013, 20000);
HW2tester.java:7: error: incompatible types: String cannot be converted to int
      Car car3 = new Car("Audi", 2012, 25000);

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    问题在于你的default constructor

    public Car()
       year = 0;
       brand = null;
       price = 0;
       number = 0;


    This car is , year 0, price 0
    This car is Ford, year 2011,price 22000
    This car is Audi, year 2012, price 25000
    This car is Cadillac, year 0, price 0
    The total car number is: 0
    The total car number is: 4
    The total car number is: 4
    The total car number is: 0



    public Car()
       // This car is Chevy, year 2005, price 3000
       year = 2005;
       brand = "Chevy";
       price = 3000;
       number = 4;

    这样,当您实例化(即创建)一个没有参数的对象时(如car 1和car 4),它会自动为您填充这些值

    EDIT:正如Mohd Akbar指出的,您的代码还有另一个问题,那就是numberinstance variable,而不是static one

    您可能希望将数字更改为更像this example,因此:

     static int number = 0;


    public Car()
       // This car is Chevy, year 2005, price 3000
       year = 2005;
       brand = "Chevy";
       price = 3000;

    而不是我最初的建议number = 4;


    public Car( int y, String b, int p)


    public Car(String b, int y, int p)


  2. # 2 楼答案

    您需要做的第一件事是将变量“number”设置为静态变量,以便该类的所有对象共享它,而不是为每个对象创建副本。 您需要在构造函数中增加'number',而不仅仅是参数化构造函数

    private static int number;



