用Twisted for Python处理接收到的消息的最佳方法是什么?

2024-10-17 06:26:21 发布

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from twisted.internet.protocol import Factory
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.internet import reactor

class MessageListener(LineReceiver):

    def __init__(self, users):
        self.users = users
        self.name = None

    def connectionMade(self):
        d = self.transport.getHost()
        print("Connection established with {}:{}".format(d.host, d.port))

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        print("Connection lost: {}".format(reason))
        if self.name in self.users:
            del self.users[self.name]

    def dataReceived(self, line):
        d = self.transport.getHost()
        print("Received message from {}:{}...{}".format(d.host, d.port, line))

    def handle_GOTDATA(self, msg):
        #convert "msg" to string and parse it into the necessary chunks

        #*****Go do something based on the requestor and the command*****
        #Use if-elif or dictionary to determine which function to run
        #based on what the string tells us.
        #Should these functions be defined here or in a separate class?

class MessageListenerFactory(Factory):

    def __init__(self):
        self.users = {} # maps user names to Chat instances

    def buildProtocol(self, addr):
        return MessageListener(self.users)

reactor.listenTCP(50010, MessageListenerFactory())



  1. handle_GOTDATA()函数用于接收接收到的消息,将其解析为块,这些块告诉我如何处理数据,然后根据需要对该数据执行的操作调用不同的函数。 我是在同一个“MessageListener”类中定义所有20个函数,还是编写一个单独的类来保留所有这些函数?我可能会同时收到10条消息,它们可能需要调用相同的函数,所以我不确定这里的最佳架构方法

  2. 我还想构建一个GUI来与服务器交互,以便偶尔进行一些故障排除和监视。我对Tkinter很熟悉,这很好,我可以在一个单独的文件中编写GUI,并让它通过套接字连接到服务器。但是,我会使用上面实现的同一个套接字侦听器并向其传递类似的消息吗?或者我应该构建一个单独的类和工厂来监听GUI连接吗

Tags: theto函数fromimportself服务器消息
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-17 06:26:21


Do I just define all 20 of these functions in this same “MessageListener” class, or do I write a separate class to keep all of these functions?



I might get 10 messages at about the same time, and they may need to call the same function, so I wasn’t sure the best architecture approach here.

我认为这是正交的,但是如果它是协议或应用逻辑的一个重要部分,您可能需要考虑在上面提到的显式接口中建立某种类型的矢量化。也许你有appObj.doSeveralThings([oneThing, anotherThing]),而不是appObj.doOneThing(oneThing)

I also want to build a GUI to interact with the server for some troubleshooting and monitoring on occasion. I’m familiar with Tkinter and it would be fine for this, and I can write the GUI in a separate file and have it connect to the server over a socket as well. But would I use the same socket listener implemented above and just pass it similar messages? Or should I build a separate class and factory to listen for the GUI connections?



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