
2024-10-03 00:16:39 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

employee = float(raw_input('Employee code number or 0 for guest:'))

if employee == 24:
     print "Welcome Kobe Bryant"
     print """

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if employee < 23:
    print"""\t\tWelcome Guest
Please Enter Item Price! If you enter a letter the program will crash! """

if employee > 24:
    print ""
    print"""\t\tWelcome GAVIN WHITFORT
Please Enter Item Price! If you enter a letter the program will crash!

if employee == 23:
    print " "
    print """\t\t     WELCOME THE GOAT MICHAEL JORDAN"""
    print """         (Greatest of All Time)
    *                        CHICAGO                        *
   ***                        BULLS                        ***
   ****                        23                         ****
   *   ******                                       ******   *
   *         ***************************************         *
    **            *       ______*______       *            **
      *****      *        ______*______        *      *****
           *******        ______*______        *******
        ***       ****          *         ****        ***
            ****** *oo*******  ***  *******oo* ******
                 *   *o********* *********o*   *
                  *   *                   *   *
                   *   *   _         _   *   *
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                     *  *   -_     _-   *  *
                      * *     -___-     * *
                       *                 *
                      *      **   **      *
                        *    **   **    *
                          *  _-----_  *

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              *$L        $        .d$6                        
                 *$ee..  $  ..ze$P                  
                    ***********        """      

    print"Nice try buddy"
    print"Welcome BIG_OLD_BUDDY"
    print "Welcome Guest"
    print "your emplyee # is:" + str(employee)

程序在不考虑输入的情况下继续打印欢迎GAVIN WHITFORT

Tags: theyouifemployeeitempriceprintenter
1楼 · 发布于 2024-10-03 00:16:39


employee = raw_input('Employee code number or 0 for guest:')

    employee_id = int(employee)
    print "Welcome Guest"
    print "your emplyee # is:" + str(employee)
    if employee_id == 24:
        print "Welcome Kobe"
    elif employee_id < 23:
        print "Guest"
    elif employee_id > 24:
        print "Gavin"
    elif employee_id == 23:
        print "Jordan"
    print"Nice try buddy"
    print"Welcome BIG_OLD_BUDDY"


def welcome_employee_by_id(employee_id):
    if employee_id == 24:
        print "Welcome Kobe"
    elif employee_id < 23:
        print "Guest"
    elif employee_id > 24:
        print "Gavin"
    elif employee_id == 23:
        print "Jordan"
    # Try to reorganize the order and add border conditions
    # to make it more clear

employee = raw_input('Employee code number or 0 for guest:')

try:  # this deals with digit input
    employee_id = int(employee)
    print "Welcome Guest"
    print "your emplyee # is:" + employee
except: # deals with input if it cannot be converted to int
    print "Nice try buddy"
    print "Welcome BIG_OLD_BUDDY"

[Input] abc

[Output] Nice try buddy...

[Input] 24

[Output] Welcome Guest your emplyee # is:24 Welcome Kobe

[Input] Kobe24

[Output] Nice try buddy...

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