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Created on Tue Sep 12 11:02:48 2017

Train function
       P: is a matrix with the data of the patterns with which
           train the neural network. The examples should be in columns.
       T: is a matrix with the expected output for each example. This matrix
           must have as many rows as output neurons have the network
       T2: classes with their original value (0 .. n-1) (Only used to graph)
       hidden: the number of hidden neurons that the network will have
       Alpha: learning speed
       moment: term term
       fun_oculta: activation function in the neurons of the hidden layer
       fun_salida: activation function in the neurons of the output layer
       MAX_ITERA: the maximum number of iterations in which it is going to
           execute the algorithm
       cota_error: minimum error accepted to end with the algorithm
       draw: if True (and the data is in two dimensions) draw the
           examples and discriminating straights.

       w_O: the weight matrix of the neurons in the hidden layer
       b_O: bias vector of the hidden layer neurons
       w_S: the matrix of weights of the neurons of the output layer
       b_S: bias vector of output layer neurons
       ite: number of iterations executed during the algorithm
       error_prom: errorAverage finished the algorithm

Example of use:
       (w_O, b_O, w_S, b_S, ite, error_prom) = train(P, T, T2, 10, 0.25, 1.2, 'logsig', 'tansig', 25000, 0.001, True);


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

marcadores = {0:('+','b'), 1:('o','g'), 2:('x', 'y'), 3:('*', 'm'), 4:('.', 'r'), 5:('+', 'k')}

def plot(P, T, W, b, title = ''):

    for class_value in np.unique(T):
        x = []
        y = []
        for i in range(len(T)):
            if T[i] == class_value:
                x.append(P[i, 0])
                y.append(P[i, 1])
        plt.scatter(x, y, marker=marcadores[class_value][0], color=marcadores[class_value][1])

    minimos = np.min(P, axis=0)
    maximos = np.max(P, axis=0)
    diferencias = maximos - minimos
    minimos = minimos - diferencias * 0.1
    maximos = maximos + diferencias * 0.1
    plt.axis([minimos[0], maximos[0], minimos[-1], maximos[1]])

    #rectas discriminantes
    x1 = minimos[0]
    x2 = maximos[0]
    (neuronas, patr) = W.shape
    for neu in range(neuronas):
        m = W[neu,0] / W[neu,1] * -1
        n = b[neu] / W[neu,1] * -1
        y1 = x1 * m + n
        y2 = x2 * m + n
        plt.plot([x1, x2],[y1, y2], color='r')



def purelin(x):
    return x

def dpurelin(x):
    return np.ones_like(x)

def logsig(x):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))

def dlogsig(x):
    return logsig(x) * (1 - logsig(x))

def tansig(x):
    return np.tanh(x)
    #return 2 / (1 + np.exp(-2 * x)) - 1

def dtansig(x):
    return 1.0 - np.square(tansig(x))

def softmax(x):
    shiftx = x - np.max(x)
    exps = np.exp(shiftx)
    return exps / np.sum(exps)

def dsoftmax(x):
    s = softmax(x)
    n = s.shape[0]
    jacobian_m = np.zeros((n,n))
    for i in range(len(jacobian_m)):
        for j in range(len(jacobian_m)):
            if i == j:
                jacobian_m[i][j] = s[i] * (1-s[i])
                jacobian_m[i][j] = -s[i]*s[j]
    return jacobian_m

def train_con_pesos(P, T, T2, ocultas, alfa, momento, fun_oculta, fun_salida, max_itera, cota_error, dibujar, w_O, b_O, w_S, b_S):
    (cant_patrones, cant_atrib) = P.shape

    momento_w_S = np.zeros(w_S.shape)
    momento_b_S = np.zeros(b_S.shape)
    momento_w_O = np.zeros(w_O.shape)
    momento_b_O = np.zeros(b_O.shape)

    ite = 0;
    error_prom = cota_error + 1
    ultimoError = cota_error +1
    anteultimoError = cota_error +2

    while (ite < max_itera) and (abs(ultimoError - anteultimoError) > cota_error):
        suma_error = 0
        for p in range(cant_patrones): 
            neta_oculta =[p,:][np.newaxis].T) + b_O
            salida_oculta = eval(fun_oculta + '(neta_oculta)')
            neta_salida = + b_S
            salida_salida = eval(fun_salida + '(neta_salida)')

            error_ejemplo = T[p,:] - salida_salida.T[0]
            suma_error = suma_error + np.sum(error_ejemplo**2)

            delta_salida = error_ejemplo[np.newaxis].T * eval('d' + fun_salida + '(neta_salida)')
            delta_oculta = eval('d' + fun_oculta + '(neta_oculta)') *

            w_S = w_S + alfa * delta_salida * salida_oculta.T + momento * momento_w_S
            b_S = b_S + alfa * delta_salida + momento * momento_b_S

            w_O = w_O + alfa * delta_oculta * P[p,:] + momento * momento_w_O
            b_O = b_O + alfa * delta_oculta + momento * momento_b_O

            momento_w_S = alfa * delta_salida * salida_oculta.T + momento * momento_w_S
            momento_b_S = alfa * delta_salida + momento * momento_b_S            

            momento_w_O = alfa * delta_oculta * P[p,:].T + momento * momento_w_O
            momento_b_O = alfa * delta_oculta + momento * momento_b_O

        error_prom = suma_error / cant_patrones

        anteultimoError = ultimoError
        ultimoError = error_prom

        ite = ite + 1
        print(ite, error_prom, abs(ultimoError - anteultimoError))   

        if dibujar and (cant_atrib == 2):        
            plot(P, T2, w_O, b_O, 'Iteración: ' + str(ite) + ' - Error promedio: ' + str(error_prom))

    return (w_O, b_O, w_S, b_S, ite, error_prom)

def train(P, T, T2, ocultas, alfa, momento, fun_oculta, fun_salida, max_itera, cota_error, dibujar):
    (cant_patrones, cant_atrib) = P.shape
    (cant_patrones, cant_salidas) = T.shape

    w_O = np.random.rand(ocultas, cant_atrib) - 0.5
    b_O = np.random.rand(ocultas,1) - 0.5
    w_S = np.random.rand(cant_salidas, ocultas) - 0.5
    b_S = np.random.rand(cant_salidas,1) - 0.5

    return train_con_pesos(P, T, T2, ocultas, alfa, momento, fun_oculta, fun_salida, max_itera, cota_error, dibujar, w_O, b_O, w_S, b_S)


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

P= pandas.read_excel('C:\\MAESTRIA DATAMINING\\Drug4.xlsx', 'Sheet1')

T = P.copy()
del P['CLASE']

T.drop(['X1','X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5', 'X6'], axis='columns', inplace=True)

P_TRANSPOSE = P.transpose()
T_TRANSPOSE = T.transpose()



T = T.values
P = P.values

(w_O, b_O, w_S, b_S, ite, error_prom) = train(P, T, T_matriz, 10, 0.25, 1.2, 'logsig', 'logsig', 25000, 0.001, True)


索引器回溯(最后一次最近调用) 在() 13列车(P、T、T2、10、0.25、1.2,‘logsig’、‘tansig’、25000、0.001,正确); 14 ---&燃气轮机;15(w_O,b_O,w_S,b_S,ite,error_prom)=列车(P,T,T_matriz,10,0.25,1.2,'logsig','logsig',25000,0.001,真)

列车内(p、T、T2、ocultas、alfa、momento、fun_oculta、fun_salida、max_itera、cota_error、dibujar) 176 b_S=np.rand.rand(cant_salidas,1)-0.5 177 --&燃气轮机;178往返列车(P、T、T2、ocultas、alfa、momento、fun_oculta、fun_salida、max_itera、cota_错误、dibujar、w_O、b_O、w_S、b_S) 179

火车上的比索(p、T、T2、ocultas、alfa、momento、fun_oculta、fun_salida、max_itera、cota_error、dibujar、w_O、b_O、w_S、b_S) 136 salida_salida=评估(有趣的salida+'(neta_salida)) 137 --&燃气轮机;138错误=T[p,:]-salida\u salida.T[0] 139 suma_error=suma_error+np.sum(error_ejempo**2) 140


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