

给定html网页的url,这个python包异步下载所有非web 从该网页链接到的文件,例如音频文件、Excel文档等(可选),所有 从原始网页链接到的网页也可以拖网查找文件。


Python 3必须安装在系统路径中。也就是说,它必须是一个公认的命令 用于命令行界面。在命令行中输入python --version,查看 您已经安装了python 3。

python包管理器pip也是必需的。通过运行pip --version检查您是否拥有它。 它自动与最新版本的python一起安装,但也可以手动安装。 见the official installation instructions



$ pip install web_trawler --upgrade






$ web_trawler google.com

运行此命令以查看Web拖网渔船如何查找链接 并检查其http头以获取更多信息。一组日志事件将输出到控制台。 通常没有链接到google.com的文件, 但如果有,它们将被下载到相对于运行命令的目录download/


--target TARGET
Give a path for where you would like the files to be downloaded. The default path is “download”.
Set web_trawler to trawl pages linked to from the original web page as well (only goes one step, and only for links within the domain of the original web page)
--interactiveShort version is “-i”. Asks user about whether or not to trawl each linked page (has no effect unless the –add_links_from_linked_pages flag is set to true.
Short version is “-I”. Asks user about whether or not to download each of the files found.
--quietSuppresses output information about which links are being processed and which files are being downloaded.
--processes PROCESSES
Manually set how many processes will be spawned. The default is to spawn one less than the number of processors detected (so as not to stall the system). For each process, up to 10 threads are spawned.
--whitelist WHITELIST
Space-separated file endings to whitelist. Allows use of wildcards, e.g. “xls*” to capture all the Excel file extension variants, like xlsx, xlsb, xlsm and xls. A given blacklist takes precedence over the whitelist.
--blacklist BLACKLIST
Space-separated file endings to blacklist. Works just whitelist, only it excludes files of the given file endings.
--no_of_files_limit LIMIT
Set a maximum number of files you are willing to download, in case web_trawler finds more than expected.
--mb_per_file_limit LIMIT
Set a maximum file size you are willing to download. Warnings are logged to console for each file excluded.



如果我们想从 a web page on the World Input-Output Database site,进入名为“data”的本地目录, 我们需要使用参数-t(对于目标)、-w(对于白名单)和-m。 (对于每个文件的MB限制):

$ web_trawler http://www.wiod.org/database/wiots16 -t "data" -w "zip xls*" -m 100

注意白名单中通配符的使用。网页指定了指向两个不同Excel的链接 文件结尾。通配符确保两者都被捕获。

如果测试此命令,将开始下载一堆大文件。按ctrl-cctrl-z以 分别中断或强制退出进程。

确保清除所有不需要的下载文件。它们应该位于与运行 命令。如果未指定目标,则会将其下载到名为“下载”的目录中。



import web_trawler

                  add_links_from_linked_pages=True, mb_per_file_limit=0)

函数trawl的作用与从命令行运行的web拖网渔船相同,但具有参数 直接用python传递给它。

Web拖网渔船中使用的几个中介函数也可以通过Python访问,即 列出网页上所有链接的信息,或者只列出指向文件的链接,并用黑名单过滤 或者白名单。以下是它们的简要说明:

get_links:Takes only one argument, a url, and returns a list of Link namedtuples, described below. This list is unfiltered. All http links that return a http request are included.
get_file_links:Runs get_links and returns a filtered list of Link namedtuples for files only, with whitelist and/or blacklist applied if specified. Arguments have self-explanatory names. The whitelist and blacklist can be provided as a space-separated string or as a list.


href:the link url
title:the content of the <a> tag containing the link
mb:calculated from the http header content-length
type:the http header content-type, unmodified


在垫子里实验室,可以使用py脚本调用pip安装的python包的函数,其中可选 参数是使用pyargs函数指定的:

>>py.web_trawler.get_file_links('http://www.wiod.org/database/wiots16',pyargs('whitelist','xls* doc*'))

stdout不显示,这就是选择get_file_links函数的原因,因为它返回一些内容。 要使用web拖网渔船的全部功能,可以运行trawl函数。只要 没有错误,命令窗口中不会显示任何内容。但是文件还是会被下载, 相对于您在Matlab中的当前文件夹。

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