

在静态网络上模拟连续时间阈值模型 Gillespie的随机模拟算法(SSA)。网络可以是 定向和/或加权。在

与原始的离散时间模型相比 输入超过其各自的阈值后将不会翻转“下一个” “时间步长”,因为没有时间步长。相反,一个节点 超过阈值将进入警报状态 以$gamma=1$进入激活状态。在


git clone https://github.com/benmaier/thresholdmodel.git
pip install ./thresholdmodel







给定一个networkx图形对象G(可以是networkx.DiGraph, 以及initially_activatedthresholds的值, 像这样模拟


t是一个numpy.ndarray,包含在哪个节点上的时间 激活发生了。a是一个numpy.ndarray,包含 相应时间的相对级联大小,单位为t。注意 整个过程被建模为一个Poisson过程,使得时间t 将以节点激活率gamma = 1.0为单位给出。如果 要模拟另一个节点的激活率,只需重新缩放 时间为t /= gamma。在

当模拟以^{tt13}开始时$ 标志,则是每次跳跃保存时激活节点的列表 ThreshModel.activated_nodes。在


您可以使用相同的初始条件重复模拟,方法是 再次调用Thresh.simulate(),所有必需的东西都将 自动复位。在



initially_activated=[3,5,8]# this could also be a numpy array

随机选择20%的节点进行初始激活。当 重新启动模拟,将选择相同的节点作为初始节点 条件。在


选择35个随机选择的节点开始激活。当 重新启动模拟,将选择相同的节点作为初始节点 条件。在








在这里,10%的节点邻居需要被激活,以便 节点也将变为活动状态。在


如果有足够数量的节点指向 朝向节点处于活动状态。这意味着节点的度将 是确定这个特定节点是否 变得活跃起来。在


如果要在加权网络上进行模拟,请提供weight 关键字


类似于networkx文档:weight(string,可选 (默认值=None)—获取边权重的属性名。 E、 g.:G.edges[0,1]['weight']。在

当所有 指向焦点节点的激活节点将到达 > threshold*in_degree。在



>>> help(ThreshModel)
Help on class ThreshModel in module thresholdmodel.model:

class ThreshModel(builtins.object)
 |  ThreshModel(G, initially_activated, thresholds, weight=None)
 |  A simple simulation class that runs
 |  a threshold-model activation process
 |  on a static network (potentially weighted and directed)
 |  in continuous time using Gillespie's
 |  stochastic simulation algorithm.
 |  The temporal dimension is fixed by assuming
 |  that every node whose activation threshold
 |  has been exceeded by neighboring inputs
 |  is activated with constant and uniform
 |  rate :math:`\gamma = 1`.
 |  Parameters
 |  ==========
 |  G : networkx.Graph, networkx.DiGraph
 |      The network on which to simulate.
 |      Nodes must be integers in the range
 |      of ``[0, N-1]``.
 |  initially_activated: float, int, or list of ints
 |      Can be either of three things:
 |      1. float of value ``0 < initially_activated < 1``.
 |         In this case, ``initially_activated`` is
 |         interpreted to represent a fraction of nodes
 |         that will be randomly selected from the
 |         set of nodes and set to be activated.
 |      2. int of value ``1 <= initially_activated < N-1``.
 |         In this case, ``initially_activated`` nodes
 |         will be randomly sampled from the node set
 |         and set to be activated.
 |      3. list of ints. In this case, ``initially_activated``
 |         is interpreted to contain indices of nodes
 |         that will be activated initially.
 |  thresholds: float or iterable of floats
 |      Can be either of two things:
 |      1. float of value ``0 < thresholds <= 1``.
 |         In this case, every node will have the same
 |         activation threshold.
 |      2. iterable of values ``0 < thresholds <=1``.
 |         In this case, the function expectes a list,
 |         tuple, or array with length equal to the
 |         number of nodes. Each entry `m` of this list
 |         will be interpreted to be node `m`'s activation
 |         threshold.
 |  weight: str, default = None
 |      A string that represents the weight keyword of a link.
 |      If `None`, the network is assumed to be unweighted.
 |  Example
 |  =======
 |  >>> G = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(1000,20/(1000-1))
 |  >>> model = TreshModel(G, 100, 0.1)
 |  >>> t, cascade_size = model.simulate()
 |  Attributes
 |  ==========
 |  G : nx.Graph or nx.DiGraph
 |      The network on which to simulate.
 |      Nodes must be integers in the range
 |      of ``[0, N-1]``.
 |  N : int
 |      The number of nodes in the network
 |  weight: str
 |      A string that represents the weight keyword of a link.
 |      If `None`, the network is assumed to be unweighted.
 |  in_deg : numpy.ndarray
 |      Contains the in-degree of every node.
 |  thresholds: numpy.ndarray
 |      Each entry `m` of this array
 |      represents node `m`'s activation
 |      threshold.
 |  initially_activated: numpy.ndarray
 |      Each entry of this array contains
 |      a node that will be activated initially.
 |  time: numpy.ndarray
 |      Contains every time point at which a node was
 |      activates (after ``simulation()`` was called).
 |      The temporal dimension is given by assuming
 |      that every node whose activation threshold
 |      has been exceeded by activation inputs
 |      is activated with constant and uniform
 |      rate :math:`\gamma = 1`.
 |  cascade_size: numpy.ndarray
 |      The relative size of the activation cascade
 |      at the corrsponding time value in ``time``
 |      (relative to the size of the node set).
 |      Only available after ``simulation()`` was called.
 |  activated_nodes: list
 |      A list of lists.
 |      Each entry contains a list of integers representing
 |      the nodes that have been activated
 |      at the corrsponding time value in ``time``.
 |      Each list entry will contain only a single node
 |      for every other time than the initial time.
 |      Only available after ``simulation()`` was called.
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, G, initially_activated, thresholds, weight=None)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  reset(self)
 |      Reset the simulation.
 |  set_initially_activated(self, initially_activated)
 |      Set the process's initial activation state.
 |      Parameters
 |      ==========
 |      initially_activated: float, int, or list of ints
 |          Can be either of three things:
 |          1. float of value ``0 < initially_activated < 1``.
 |             In this case, ``initially_activated`` is
 |             interpreted to represent a fraction of nodes
 |             that will be randomly selected from the
 |             set of nodes and set to be activated.
 |          2. int of value ``1 <= initially_activated < N-1``.
 |             In this case, ``initially_activated`` nodes
 |             will be randomly sampled from the node set
 |             and set to be activated.
 |          3. list of ints. In this case, ``initially_activated``
 |             is interpreted to contain indices of nodes
 |             that will be activated initially.
 |  set_thresholds(self, thresholds)
 |      Set node activation thresholds.
 |      Parameters
 |      ==========
 |      thresholds: float or iterable of floats
 |          Can be either of two things:
 |          1. float of value ``0 < thresholds <= 1``.
 |             In this case, every node will have the same
 |             activation threshold.
 |          2. iterable of values ``0 < thresholds <=1``.
 |             In this case, the function expectes a list,
 |             tuple, or array with length equal to the
 |             number of nodes. Each entry `m` of this list
 |             will be interpreted to be node `m`'s activation
 |             threshold.
 |  simulate(self, save_activated_nodes=False)
 |      Simulate until all nodes that can be activated
 |      have been activated.
 |      Parameters
 |      ==========
 |      save_activated_nodes: bool, default = False
 |          If ``True``, write a list of activated nodes
 |          to the class attribute ``activated_nodes``
 |          every time an activation event happens.
 |          Such a list will contain only a single node
 |          for every other time than the initial time.
 |      Returns
 |      =======
 |      time : numpy.ndarray
 |          Time points at which nodes were activated.
 |      cascade_size : numpy.ndarray
 |          The relative size of the activation cascade
 |          at the corrsponding time value in ``time``
 |          (relative to the size of the node set).

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