



PyPI package versionSupported Python versions



Basic usage

$ thank-you-stars <PyPI package>


  1. 在github上查找与pypi包相关的存储库
  2. 如果找到,启动存储库
  3. 重复1。和2。对于每个依赖项包

Initial setup and add stars to GitHub repositories


$ thank-you-stars thank-you-stars --setup
personal access token (required): <input personal access token>
Collect package info: 100%|████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 196.82it/s]
Collect GitHub info: 100%|████████████████████████| 14/14 [00:00<00:00, 29.11it/s]
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thank-you-stars
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thombashi/DateTimeRange
[INFO] tys: star to PyGithub/PyGithub
[INFO] tys: star to tartley/colorama
[INFO] tys: star to getlogbook/logbook
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thombashi/mbstrdecoder
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thombashi/msgfy
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thombashi/pathvalidate
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thombashi/pytablewriter
[INFO] tys: star to requests/requests
[INFO] tys: star to pypa/setuptools
[INFO] tys: star to simplejson/simplejson
[INFO] tys: skip owned repository: thombashi/subprocrunner
[INFO] tys: star to tqdm/tqdm


Add stars GitHub repositories from a package source

$ cd <path to a package source>
$ thank-you-stars .
[INFO] tys: star to xxxx

Check starred status

$ thank-you-stars thank-you-stars --check
Collect package info: 100%|███████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 196.82it/s]
Collect GitHub info: 100%|███████████████████████| 14/14 [00:00<00:00, 29.11it/s]
|     Package     |        Repository         | Starred | Owner |
| thank-you-stars | thombashi/thank-you-stars |         |   X   |
| DateTimeRange   | thombashi/DateTimeRange   |         |   X   |
| PyGithub        | PyGithub/PyGithub         |    X    |       |
| colorama        | tartley/colorama          |    X    |       |
| logbook         | getlogbook/logbook        |    X    |       |
| mbstrdecoder    | thombashi/mbstrdecoder    |         |   X   |
| msgfy           | thombashi/msgfy           |         |   X   |
| pathvalidate    | thombashi/pathvalidate    |         |   X   |
| pytablewriter   | thombashi/pytablewriter   |         |   X   |
| requests        | requests/requests         |    X    |       |
| setuptools      | pypa/setuptools           |    X    |       |
| simplejson      | simplejson/simplejson     |    X    |       |
| subprocrunner   | thombashi/subprocrunner   |         |   X   |
| tqdm            | tqdm/tqdm                 |    X    |       |


$ thank-you-stars thank-you-stars --check --depth 3 -v
Collect package info: 100%|████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:00<00:00, 185.04it/s]
Collect GitHub info: 100%|██████████████████████| 27/27 [00:00<00:00, 1414.71it/s]
|     Package     |        Repository         | Starred | Owner | Depth |
| thank-you-stars | thombashi/thank-you-stars |         |   X   |     0 |
| DateTimeRange   | thombashi/DateTimeRange   |         |   X   |     1 |
| PyGithub        | PyGithub/PyGithub         |    X    |       |     1 |
| colorama        | tartley/colorama          |    X    |       |     1 |
| logbook         | getlogbook/logbook        |    X    |       |     1 |
| mbstrdecoder    | thombashi/mbstrdecoder    |         |   X   |     1 |
| msgfy           | thombashi/msgfy           |         |   X   |     1 |
| pathvalidate    | thombashi/pathvalidate    |         |   X   |     1 |
| pytablewriter   | thombashi/pytablewriter   |         |   X   |     1 |
| requests        | requests/requests         |    X    |       |     1 |
| setuptools      | pypa/setuptools           |    X    |       |     1 |
| simplejson      | simplejson/simplejson     |    X    |       |     1 |
| subprocrunner   | thombashi/subprocrunner   |         |   X   |     1 |
| tqdm            | tqdm/tqdm                 |    X    |       |     1 |
| DataProperty    | thombashi/DataProperty    |         |   X   |     2 |
| certifi         | certifi/python-certifi    |         |       |     2 |
| chardet         | chardet/chardet           |    X    |       |     2 |
| deprecated      | tantale/deprecated        |         |       |     2 |
| dominate        | Knio/dominate             |    X    |       |     2 |
| idna            | kjd/idna                  |         |       |     2 |
| pyjwt           | jpadilla/pyjwt            |         |       |     2 |
| python-dateutil | paxan/python-dateutil     |         |       |     2 |
| six             | benjaminp/six             |    X    |       |     2 |
| tabledata       | thombashi/tabledata       |         |   X   |     2 |
| typepy          | thombashi/typepy          |         |   X   |     2 |
| urllib3         | urllib3/urllib3           |         |       |     2 |
| wrapt           | GrahamDumpleton/wrapt     |         |       |     3 |

Command help

$ thank-you-stars -h
usage: thank-you-stars [-h] [--version] [--token TOKEN] [--config CONFIG]
                       [--setup] [--check] [-v] [--depth DEPTH]
                       [--include-owner-repo] [--no-cache] [--dry-run]
                       [--debug | --quiet] [--stacktrace]

Give stars a PyPI package and its dependencies.

positional arguments:
  target                PyPI package name or path to the package source code

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --dry-run             Do no harm.
  --debug               for debug print.
  --quiet               suppress execution log messages.

  --token TOKEN         GitHub personal access token that has public_repo
  --config CONFIG       path to a conig file. the config file expected to
                        contain token: { "token" : <GitHub personal access
                        token that has public_repo scope> } (defaults to
  --setup               setup token interactively, and then starring.

Star Status:
  --check               list starred status for each package with tabular
                        format and exit. does not actually star to found
                        GitHub repositories.
  -v, --verbosity       increase output verbosity.

Repository Search:
  --depth DEPTH         depth to recursively find dependencies of
                        dependencies." 0 means to star specified the package
                        only. 1 means to star specified the package and its
                        dependencies. equals to 2 or greater will increase the
                        depth of traverse that dependencies of dependencies.
  --include-owner-repo  starred to repositories that owned by you.
  --no-cache            disable the local caches.

  --stacktrace          print stack trace for debug information. --debug
                        option required to see the debug print.

Issue tracker: https://github.com/thombashi/thank-you-stars/issues


pip install thank-you-stars

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