一个简单的sql连接包装器,使用sqlalchemy和pandas read_sql来标准化sql工作流。


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一个简单的sql连接包装器,使用sqlalchemy和pandas read_sql来标准化sql工作流。本项目的主要目标是在使用基于sql的数据源时减少样板代码,并在python中实现对数据源的交互式探索。


  • 用于处理不同SQL数据源的标准化客户端,包括用于定义连接配置的标准化格式
  • 一个基于sqlalchemyEngine的sqlclient接口,带有一些有用的函数,如pandasread_sql和利用sqlalchemy中的reflection的函数




$ pip install --process-dependency-links sql_connectors


如果您没有安装pip,这个Python installation guide可以指导您 你完成了整个过程。


可以从Github repo下载sql连接器的源代码。


$ git clone git://github.com/aiguofer/sql_connectors
$cd sql_connectors
$ pip install --process-dependency-links -e .[dev]








drivername (string)
This required field is a SQLAlchemy dialect or dialect+driver. See the SQLAlchemy Engine documentation for more details. You may first have to install the required python modules for your dialect+driver to work if it’s a third party plug-in.
relative_paths (list of strings)
This optional field lets you specify if an option for your connection needs to load a file relative to your config directory. For example, if you had a connection that needed to use a cert, you could add ^{tt12}$ to this list, set ^{tt13}$, and drop the cert in ^{tt14}$.
default_env (string)
This optional field lets you specify which environment should be used by default. If not included, it will use ^{tt15}$.
default_schema (string)
This optional field lets you specify which schema should be used by default. If not included, it will use ^{tt16}$.
default_reflect (boolean)
This optional field lets you specify whether it should reflect the data source by default. If not included, it will use ^{tt17}$.
env.username (string)
This optional field specifies the username for the connection. If it’s left out or set to null and the driver is not ‘sqlite’, the user will be prompte when they try to create the client. If the connection doesn’t have credentials, set this to an empty string. Should not be set for ‘sqlite’.
env.password (string)
This optional field specifies the password for the connection. If it’s left out or set to null and the driver is not ‘sqlite’, the user will be prompte when they try to create the client. If the connection doesn’t have credentials, set this to an empty string. Should not be set for ‘sqlite’.
env.host (string)
This optional field specifies the host for the connection. Should not be set for ‘sqlite’.
env.port (string or integer)
This optional field specifies the port for the connection. Should not be set for ‘sqlite’.
env.database (string)
This optional field specifies the database name for the connection. If it’s a ‘sqlite’ connection and left empty, it will use ^{tt18}$. Otherwise, you can specify a relative path or an absolute path; if you want the file in your config directory, you can use the ^{tt19}$ property.
env.query (object)
This optional field is a json object with options to pass onto the dialect and/or DBAPI upon connect.
env.allowed_hosts (list of strings)
This optional field is a list of strings containing hostnames where the given credentials are accepted. If the hostname is not in the list, it will prompt the user for credentials. This was added due to some specific usecase where we share service credentials but they’re only allowed on our common servers.




fromsql_connectorsimportconnectionsclient=connections.example_connection()client.read_sql('select 1')


fromsql_connectorsimportconnectionsavailable_envs=connections.example_connection_envs()client=connections.example_connection(env=available_envs[0],reflect=True)client.read_sql('select 1').to_sql('example_table',client,if_exists='replace')available_tables=client.table_names()table1=client.get_table(available_tables[0])df=client.read_sql(table1.select())



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