





%let var1 = some value;
%let var2 = some other value;

%macro testMacro(param1);
    this text will show whenever the macro is called.
    variables can be referenced like this: &var1.
    we can reference macro parameters just like variables: &param1.

here's how you call a macro:
%exec testMacro(1);

here's a call to the same macro with a different parameter:
%exec testMacro(2);


$ sassy test.txt
here's how you call a macro:
    this text will show whenever the macro is called.
    variables can be referenced like this: somevalue
    we can reference macro parameters just like variables: 1

here's a call to the same macro with a different parameter:
    this text will show whenever the macro is called.
    variables can be referenced like this: somevalue
    we can reference macro parameters just like variables: 2


%let var1 = some value;
%let var2 = some other value;
%let varNum = 1;

%macro testMacro(param1);
    variables can be nested to form references to other variables: &var&varNum..
    ...and also nest parameters as with variables: &var&param1..

here's how you call a macro:
%exec testMacro(1);

here's a call to the same macro with a different parameter:
%exec testMacro(2);


$ sassy test.txt
here's how you call a macro:
    variables can be nested to form references to other variables: somevalue
    ...and also nest parameters as with variables: somevalue

here's a call to the same macro with a different parameter:
    variables can be nested to form references to other variables: somevalue
    ...and also nest parameters as with variables: someothervalue


this is how you execute a loop:
%procloop (3) loopCounter;
    this loop will execute &loopCounter. times.

...you can also use a variable to set the number of iterations:
%let loopVar0 = first loop;
%let loopVar1 = second loop;
%let loopVar2 = third loop;
%let loopVar3 = fourth loop;
%let numLoops = 4;
%procloop (&numLoops.) counterVar;
    this other loop will execute &counterVar. times, and references a different variable each time: &loopVar&counterVar..


$ sassy test.txt
this is how you execute a loop:
    this loop will execute 0 times.
    this loop will execute 1 times.
    this loop will execute 2 times.

...you can also use a variable to set the number of iterations:
    this other loop will execute 0 times, and references a different variable each time: firstloop
    this other loop will execute 1 times, and references a different variable each time: secondloop
    this other loop will execute 2 times, and references a different variable each time: thirdloop
    this other loop will execute 3 times, and references a different variable each time: fourthloop




sassy与python 3.6及更高版本兼容。

在unix系统上,通过包管理器(apt、rpm、yum、brew)安装python 3.6(或更高版本)。 或者,可以从official Python downloads page下载安装包。


建议将所有项目依赖项放入其自己的虚拟 环境-这样我们就不会污染全局python安装。 为此,我们建议您使用virtualenvwrapper。按照说明操作 here 来安装这个。安装virtualenvwrapper后,创建 一个新的虚拟环境:

mkvirtualenv sassy
workon sassy


pip install sassylang


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