


  • 此包Python名称:ReadUrlInFile
  • 目前版本: ReadUrlInFile 1.2.6
  • 最后维护时间:Oct 30, 2012
  • 摘要:Sometimes you may want to read the URLs in a file(line by line), and use it directly in a method such like http.client.HTTPConnection(url). In order to avoid a mistake, you need to delete the last char "\n" in each URL. So this is a simple example, the programe ReadUrlInFile.py reads the URLs in a file named "list", and sends HTTP requesets to these URLs using the module http.client. (You need to manually creat a file including the URLs line by line)
  • 安装命令:pip install ReadUrlInFile
  • 其它:ReadUrlInFile 这个Python第三方库的作者没有提供更多的项目描述信息了,2019-11-11 22:36:34。
  • 可以返回 PyPI第三方库 首页,查找更多相关Python包程序。

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