

此包为powershift命令行客户端提供插件 用于管理本地openshift集群。这些命令提供了一个 oc cluster up命令,增加了轻松维护 运行在 码头服务。

为了增强安全性,还将配置用户数据库,以便 可以更改开发人员帐户的默认密码。附加用户 还可以创建帐户,必要时具有系统管理权限。

最后,一组持久卷也将与每个 轮廓。还可以声明其他持久卷,包括 预先声明的卷与主机上的现有目录关联 包含代码或数据文件的。

要安装这个包,以及powershift-cli包和 powershift该包中包含的命令行程序,您应该 使用pip安装包powershift-cluster[cli],而不是 只要powershift-cluster。或者,您可以安装 powershift-cli[all],它将安装powershift-cli包 以及当前可用于powershift命令的所有插件 线路程序。

有关如何安装powershift命令行程序的详细信息 以及可用的插件请参见:


要查看所有可用的命令,可以使用 powershift command

$ powershift
Usage: powershift [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  PowerShift client for OpenShift.

  This client provides additional functionality useful to users of the
  OpenShift platform. Base functionality is minimal, but can be extended by
  installing additional plugins.

  For more details see:


  --help  Show this message and exit.

  client      Install/update oc command line tool.
  cluster     Manage a local OpenShift cluster.
  completion  Output completion script for specified shell.
  console     Open a browser on the OpenShift web console.
  server      Displays the URL for the OpenShift cluster.
  session     Display information about current session.

$ powershift cluster
Usage: powershift cluster [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage a local OpenShift cluster.

  The OpenShift cluster will run as an all-in-one container on a local
  Docker host. Data will be preserved between restarts of the OpenShift
  cluster against a named profile. You can create multiple profiles so that
  you can setup multiple local OpenShift instances. You can though only run
  one instance at a time.

  The default routes for exposed applications in the OpenShift cluster will
  use xip.io and the local host IP of your OpenShift cluster. A different
  route suffix can be supplied when the OpenShift cluster is started up the
  first time.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  destroy  Destroys the named OpenShift cluster.
  down     Stops the active OpenShift cluster.
  list     List the available OpenShift cluster...
  ssh      Opens a shell session in the OpenShift master...
  status   Displays the status of the OpenShift cluster.
  up       Starts up an OpenShift cluster.
  users    Manage accounts database for the cluster.
  volumes  Manage persistent volumes for the cluster.

$ powershift cluster volumes
Usage: powershift cluster volumes [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage persistent volumes for the cluster.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  create  Create a new persistent volume.
  list    List the available peristent volumes.

$ powershift cluster users
Usage: powershift cluster users [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage accounts database for the cluster.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  add     Adds a new user account.
  list    List active user accounts.
  passwd  Change the password for an account.
  remove  Removes a user account.

对单个命令使用--help选项来查看命令 以及可以提供哪些进一步的选项。

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