


Quick Overview

  • pfdicom主要是其他更专门的类的基模块。它通常从不单独使用。






以下依赖项安装在主机系统/python3 virtual env上(如果从pypi中提取,它们也将自动安装):

  • pfmisc(pf*对象系列的各种杂项模块和类)
  • pftree(创建文件系统层次结构的字典表示)

Using ^{tt1}$

安装此脚本及其所有依赖项的最佳方法是 从pypi获取它

pip3 install pfdicom

Command line arguments

-I|--inputDir <inputDir>
Input DICOM directory to examine. By default, the first file in this
directory is examined for its tag information. There is an implicit
assumption that each <inputDir> contains a single DICOM series.

[--maxdepth <dirDepth>]
The maximum depth to descend relative to the <inputDir>. Note, that
this counts from zero! Default of '-1' implies transverse the entire
directory tree.

-i|--inputFile <inputFile>
An optional <inputFile> specified relative to the <inputDir>. If
specified, then do not perform a directory walk, but convert only
this file.

[-O|--outputDir <outputDir>]
The directory to contain all output files.

[-O|--outputDir <outputDir>]
The directory to contain all output files.

[--outputLeafDir <outputLeafDirFormat>]
If specified, will apply the <outputLeafDirFormat> to the output
directories containing data. This is useful to blanket describe
final output directories with some descriptive text, such as
'anon' or 'preview'.

This is a formatting spec, so

    --outputLeafDir 'preview-%s'

where %s is the original leaf directory node, will prefix each
final directory containing output with the text 'preview-' which
can be useful in describing some features of the output set.

-e|--extension <DICOMextension>
An optional extension to filter the DICOM files of interest from the

[-t|--threads <numThreads>]
If specified, break the innermost analysis loop into <numThreads>
threads. Please note the following caveats:

    * Only thread if you have a high CPU analysis loop. Since
      most of the operations of this module will entail reading
      and writing DICOM files, and since these operations are
      the bulk of the execution time, adding threading will not
      really help.

    * Threading will change the nature of the innermost looping
      across the problem domain, with the result that *all* of the
      problem data will be read into memory! That means all of
      DICOMs across all of the subdirs! In non-threading mode,
      only DICOMs from a single directory at a time are read
      and then discarded.

This flag is less applicable to this base class. It is here
to provide fall-through compatibility with derived classes.

Show full help.

Show brief help.

If true, dump the final return as JSON formatted string.

If specified, follow symbolic links.

If specified, print a version string.

-v|--verbosity <level>
Set the app verbosity level.

    0: No internal output;
    1: Most important internal output -- none for 'pfdicom';
    2: As with level '1' but with simpleProgress bar in 'pftree';
    3: As with level '2' but with list of input dirs/files in 'pftree';

String processing on tag values












pfdicom         -I /var/www/html                \
                -O /tmp                         \
                -o %PatientID-%PatientAge       \
                -e .dcm                         \
                -v 0 --json

which will output only at script conclusion and will log a JSON formatted string.

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