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不知道todo.txt是什么?有关todo.txt规范,请参见https://github.com/todo txt/todo.txt" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/todo txt/todo.txt。

下一步-action不是编辑todo.txt文件的工具,有关可用选项,请参见http://todo txt.org。









要在bash shell中安装下一个操作的tab completion,请执行以下步骤:

  • 下载extra/.next action completion.bash 并将其保存在主文件夹中。

  • 接下来,将这一行添加到您的~/.bash_配置文件中文件:

    source ~/.next-action-completion.bash
  • 然后,打开一个新终端。

键入下一个操作[tab]应该会提供可能的命令行选项。在一个选项后按Tab键 参数,显示可能的参数。


$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.

假设您的todo.txt文件在主文件夹中,运行不带参数的下一个操作将显示下一个操作 你应该这么做。例如,假设 todo.txt,下一个是给妈妈打电话 动作:

$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone

下一个操作是使用优先级确定的。在优先级之后考虑到期日期,任务在优先级之前到期 优先于以后到期的任务。创建日期被视为晚于到期日期,较旧的任务优先于 新任务。最后,属于更多项目的任务优先于属于较少项目的任务。


  • 已完成的任务(x这是已完成的任务),
  • 具有未来创建日期的任务(9999-01-01开始准备五位数年份),
  • 具有未来阈值日期的任务(开始准备移民到mars t:3000-01-01),
  • 被阻止的任务(请参见下面的任务依赖项和
  • 隐藏任务(这是隐藏任务h:1)。




$ next-action @work
(C) Finish proposal for important client @work$ next-action +DogHouse
(G) Buy wood for new +DogHouse @store$ next-action +DogHouse @home
Get rid of old +DogHouse @home

当您提供多个上下文和/或项目时,下一个操作属于所有上下文,并且至少属于 项目:

$ next-action +DogHouse +PaintHouse @store @weekend
(B) Buy paint to +PaintHouse @store @weekend


$ next-action +PaintHouse -@store
Borrow ladder from the neighbors +PaintHouse @home


$ next-action -+PaintHouse @store
(G) Buy wood for new +DogHouse @store


$ next-action +DogHouse @weekend
Nothing to do! ?

如果由于使用to do.txt文件中不存在的上下文或项目而无需执行任何操作,下一步操作 将警告您:

$ next-action +PaintGarage @freetime
Nothing to do! (warning: unknown context: freetime; unknown project: PaintGarage)



source ~/.next-action-completion.bash


source ~/.next-action-completion.bash

以确保你没有逾期行为,或工作逾期首先,限制下一个动作的任务 已选择到过期操作:

source ~/.next-action-completion.bash


为了确保您处理的是重要任务而不是紧急任务,您可以确保 选定的下一个操作至少具有最低优先级:

source ~/.next-action-completion.bash



source ~/.next-action-completion.bash


source ~/.next-action-completion.bash

再次注意,已完成的任务、具有未来创建日期或阈值日期的任务以及被阻止的任务永远不会是下一个 动作,


下一个操作在确定下一个操作时考虑任务依赖关系。例如,做饭 取决于是否购买日用品,以及是否在烹调完饭菜后才洗碗,可以指定如下:

source ~/.next-action-completion.bash

这意味着,购买食品杂货会阻碍做饭;做饭,因此也做不了菜。 在购买完日用品之前:

source ~/.next-action-completion.bash

请注意,尽管购买日用品没有到期日,但在倒垃圾之前购买日用品是如何到来的。 倒垃圾就行了。因为在烹调食物和烹调食物之前,必须先购买日用品 到期日,购买日用品的到期日与做饭的到期日相同。优先权在 类似的方式。


source ~/.next-action-completion.bash

如果始终希望看到下一个操作阻止的任务,可以在配置中配置 文件。请参见下面关于如何配置下一个操作的部分


  • id可以是任何没有空格的字符串。
  • 您也可以使用p(对于"parent")而不是之前的,因为使用todo.txt文件的其他一些工具 使用它。
  • 一个任务可以通过重复before键来阻止多个其他任务, 例如:在烹饪之前和发送邀请之前购买日用品
  • 通过重复after键,一个任务可以被多个其他任务阻止, 例如:饭后:烹饪和饭后:设置餐桌
  • 如果任务阻止了一个或多个任务,则阻止任务将采用其正在阻止的任务的优先级和到期日期:
    • 阻塞任务的优先级是其自身优先级的最大值,并且 它正在阻塞的任务,并且
    • 阻塞任务被认为有一个到期日,它是自身到期日和 它正在阻塞的任务。


默认情况下,下一个操作引用从中读取操作的todo.txt文件(如果从多个 todo.txt文件。--reference选项控制此操作:

source ~/.next-action-completion.bash

使用--reference never关闭此行为。要永久更改此设置,请在 配置文件。请参见下面关于如何配置下一个操作的部分

下一个操作可以使用--style参数进行着色。运行下一个操作--帮助 风格:

当您决定了您喜欢的样式时,在配置文件中配置该样式是有意义的。见 下面一节介绍如何配置下一个操作



$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.

下一个动作根据组中最重要的下一个动作对组进行排序。动作可以重复 如果它们属于多个组,就像购买油漆de>以上任务。

如果始终希望对下一个操作进行分组,可以在配置文件中对此进行配置。见章节 下面介绍如何配置下一个操作


除了在命令行上指定选项外,还可以在配置文件中配置选项。这个 配置文件格式为yaml。当前支持的选项是哪些todo.txt文件必须是 请阅读,接下来应该显示多少个操作、输出样式、上下文和/或项目筛选器。



$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.

要使此配置成为默认读取的下一个action配置,请将输出重定向到~/.next action.cfglike 这:下一个操作--写入配置文件>;~/.next action.cfg


$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.


默认情况下,下一个操作尝试读取名为 .next action.cfg在家中 文件夹.

如果要使用不在默认位置的配置文件(~/.next action.cfg),则需要 明确指定其位置:

$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.

若要跳过读取默认配置文件,同时也不读取替代配置文件,请使用 --配置文件无参数选项。



$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.


$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.



$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.


$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.



通过指定要筛选的上下文和/或项目,可以限制从中选择下一个操作的任务, 就像在命令行中一样:

$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.

这将使下一个操作默认情况下,从具有@work上下文且没有 @等待上下文,不属于+未来项目


$ next-action --help
Usage: next-action [-h] [-V] [-c [<config.cfg>] | -w] [-f <todo.txt> ...] [-b] [-g [<group>]] [-r <ref>] [-s[<style>]] [-a | -n <number>] [-d [<due date>] | -o] [-p [<priority>]] [--] [<context|project> ...]Show the next action in your todo.txt. The next action is selected from the tasks in the todo.txt file basedon task properties such as priority, due date, and creation date. Limit the tasks from which the next actionis selected by specifying contexts the tasks must have and/or projects the tasks must belong to.Optional arguments:  -h, --help            show this help message and exit  -V, --version         show program's version number and exitConfiguration options:  -c [<config.cfg>], --config-file [<config.cfg>]                        filename of configuration file to read (default: ~/.next-action.cfg); omit filename                        to not read any configuration file  -w, --write-config-file                        generate a sample configuration file and exitInput options:  -f <todo.txt>, --file <todo.txt>                        filename of todo.txt file to read; can be '-' to read from standard input; argument                        can be repeated to read tasks from multiple todo.txt files (default: ~/todo.txt)Output options:  -b, --blocked         show the tasks blocked by the next action, if any (default: False)  -g [<group>], --groupby [<group>]                        group the next actions; available groups: context, duedate, priority, project,                        source (default: None)  -r {always,never,multiple}, --reference {always,never,multiple}                        reference next actions with the name of their todo.txt file (default: when reading                        multiple todo.txt files)  -s [<style>], --style [<style>]                        colorize the output; available styles: abap, algol, algol_nu, arduino, autumn,                        borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly, fruity, igor, lovelace, manni,                        monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark, paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rainbow_dash,                        rrt, sas, solarized-dark, solarized-light, stata, stata-dark, stata-light, tango,                        trac, vim, vs, xcode (default: None)Show multiple next actions:  -a, --all             show all next actions  -n <number>, --number <number>                        number of next actions to show (default: 1)Limit the tasks from which the next actions are selected:  -d [<due date>], --due [<due date>]                        show only next actions with a due date; if a date is given, show only next actions                        due on or before that date  -o, --overdue         show only overdue next actions  -p [<priority>], --priority [<priority>]                        minimum priority (A-Z) of next actions to show (default: None)  @<context> ...        contexts the next action must have  +<project> ...        projects the next action must be part of; if repeated the next action must be part                        of at least one of the projects  -@<context> ...       contexts the next action must not have  -+<project> ...       projects the next action must not be part ofUse -- to separate options with optional arguments from contexts and projects, in order to handle caseswhere a context or project is mistaken for an argument to an option.

请注意,以@开头的筛选器需要用引号括起来。这是一个 yaml限制



$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone

例如,如果您在todo.txt文件中保留一个没有优先级的思想积压,并且 只对可执行的任务进行优先级排序。

在命令行上指定一个值将覆盖配置文件中的优先级,例如 下一个操作--优先级C。要覆盖配置中设置的优先级,但不设置另一个最小优先级, 使用priority选项而不带参数:下一个操作--priority


可以配置下一个操作是否应该引用从中读取它们的todo.txt文件 使用参考关键字:

$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone

可能的值是alwaysnevermultiple。后者意味着文件名只在您读取 来自多个todo.txt文件的任务。默认值为multiple


$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone



$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone


$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone

可能的分组选项有contextduedatepriorityprojectsource。指定上的值 命令行覆盖配置文件中的分组,例如下一个操作--groupby project。 要同时取消配置文件中的分组集,请使用不带参数的groupby选项: 下一个操作--groupby



配置文件中的选项将覆盖默认选项。命令行选项依次替代 配置文件。

如果您有一个带有默认选项的配置文件,并且您偶尔希望忽略它,则可以跳过读取 完全使用--no config file选项的配置文件。


如果使用的选项带有可选参数,但后跟位置参数,下一步操作 将把位置参数解释为选项的参数并抱怨,例如:

$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone


source ~/.next-action-completion.bash


$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone





我们使用Docker作为开发环境。要构建包含所有开发依赖项的Docker映像,请确保 你已经安装了Git和Docker。然后,执行以下步骤:

  • 克隆存储库:git clone https://github.com/fniessink/next action.git
  • 输入文件夹:cd next action
  • 建立docker镜像:docker build。-t下一个动作dev

docker compose.yml包含每个开发工具的服务。下面将介绍这些功能。



$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone

HTML覆盖率报告将写入build/unittest coverage/



$ next-action
(A) Call mom @phone

HTML覆盖率报告将写入build/feature coverage/


mypy、pylint、pycodestyle、pydocstyle、bandit、pyroma和vulture工具用于检查 python代码。shellcheck用于计算bash代码。小黄瓜特征文件用小黄瓜绒布填充。 使用markdownlint计算标记文件。用hadolint检查dockerfile。docker-compose.yml是 与docker compose核对。


$ next-action @work
(C) Finish proposal for important client @work$ next-action +DogHouse
(G) Buy wood for new +DogHouse @store$ next-action +DogHouse @home
Get rid of old +DogHouse @home


这个readme.md文件是用docker compose up docs生成的

下面的依赖关系图是用pydeps创建的,下面的包和类图是用 Pyreverse(Pylint的一部分)。


依赖关系图显示代码库中的包和模块与第三方之间的关系 使用的包。当用户从命令行imvokesnext action时,在 下一个操作包已运行。next_action()方法使用next_action.arguments包来解析 命令行参数和配置文件。使用 <代码> NEXt_action.todoxt包。next_action.pick_action模块包含选择下一个操作的逻辑。 最后,使用下一个操作对输出进行格式化。output包。


pyreverse创建的类图显示了使用的类。最大的一个是nextActionArgumentParser类, 负责分析命令行参数。其他两个相关的类是用于保存的任务类 有关单个任务和包含任务集合的任务类的信息。


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