

这个小脚本(守护进程)将轮询所有窗口的状态 max-cube系统(http://www.eq-3.de)已知的传感器,并检查 打开窗户。

然后它会使用 打开天气图(http://openweathermap.org),如果温度是 在低于指定阈值时,它将使用 通知程序插件。

现在唯一可用的通知插件是使用pushover服务 (https://pushover.net)向移动电话发送通知。

它是通过提醒你关闭你的 通风后的窗户。


可以使用pip安装max open window notifier

sudo pip install maxwindownotify


您可以使用cli help函数获取有关如何启动 守护进程,以及可用的选项:

$ maxwindownotify --help
usage: maxwindownotify.py [-h][-i INTERVAL][-n NETWORK][-c CITY][-t THRESHOLD] -k OWMAPPID [-s][-u USER][-p TOKEN][-v]

This deamon polls the MAX Cube for all window status. If a window is open
longer than twice the poll interval a notification will be sent using the
notifier plugin

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        polling interval in minutes (default 30 minutes)
  -n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
                        Network Address to send search broadcast for MAX Cube
  -c CITY, --city CITY  the city name or code in OpenWeatherMap to retrieve
                        the outside temperature from (default Munich, Germany)
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        the temperature threshold for suppressing
                        notifications (default: 12C)
  -k OWMAPPID, --owmappid OWMAPPID
                        the API Key (APPID) to authenticate with Open Weather
  -s, --simulation      randomly simulate open windows
  -u USER, --user USER  the username (or user key) used for the notifier
  -p TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        the password (or app token) used for the notifier
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity

As an alternative to the commandline, params can be placed in a file, one per
line, and specified on the commandline like 'maxwindownotify.py @params.conf'.


maxwindownotify -k 82k4v1b99s41212e5bf5490432bb89f4 -u abcCKnM9uYhjng3kLV6czGFUsmZ76D -p ahxYZcjhXT6P5zDt265LGyuLVaDQNx -i 15 -c Berlin -t 8

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