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pip install leoprofanity

# or
git clone https://github.com/jojoee/leo-profanity-python
cd leo-profanity-python
python setup.py install





fromleoprofanityimportLeoProfanity# example usagefil=LeoProfanity()fil.check("I have BoOb, etc.")# Truefil.clean("I have BoOb, etc.")# 'I have ****, etc.'# return all profanity words (List[str])fil.list()# remove word form the listfil.remove_word("boob")# check whether the string contains profanity word or notfil.check("Buy classic watches online")# Falsefil.check("I have BoOb.")# True# clean or replace profanity word in a stringfil.clean("I have boob, etc.")# "I have ****"fil.clean("I have boob,boob, ass, and etc.")# "I have ****,****, ***, and etc."fil.clean("I have boob","+")# "I have ++++"fil.clean("Buy classic watches online")# "Buy classic watches online"# add new word(s)fil.add("b00b")fil.add(["b@@b","b##b"])# remove word(s) from the listfil.remove("boob")fil.remove(["boob","boobs"])# reset word list by using en dictionaryfil.reset()# remove all words inside an existing listfil.clear_list()# return word list from dictionaryfil.get_dictionary()# returns "en" word listfil.get_dictionary("en")# reset word list by using en dictionaryfil.load_dictionary()fil.load_dictionary("en")


# env
conda env list
conda create --name leoprofanity python=3.7

# test
python -m unittest tests/*.py # run unit test

# format
flake8 --max-line-length=120 --exclude=__*.py
black . --check
pytype ./leoprofanity

# publishing
pip install twine # package for publishing
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel # build the package
tar tzf dist/leoprofanity-0.0.1.tar.gz # check published file in the published package
twine check dist/* # if the package render correctly
python -m pip install dist/leoprofanity-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl # for testing, install local to global
python -m leoprofanity "I have boob, etc." # testing the package via cli
twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/* --verbose # publishing (test)
twine upload dist/* # publishing
pip install leoprofanity -U # force update module to test after publishing

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