


Simple funnel plots for visualising sub-group variance.

这个包使用Matplotlib在Python中提供了简单的funnel plots。这使您可以快速查看与完整总体相比,总体的子组是否是异常值。在


  • parametric funnelplot它使用标准分布来估计漏斗的间隔(通常是正态分布)
  • bootstrap漏斗它使用引导百分位来估计漏斗的间隔




funnel(df=data("Caschool"), x="testscr", group="county")


pip install funnelplot



C:\Users\John\Dropbox\devel\funnelplot\funnelplot\core.py:14: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
  return band / np.sqrt(group_size)
C:\Users\John\Dropbox\devel\funnelplot\funnelplot\core.py:14: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
  return band / np.sqrt(group_size)


# use bootstrap instead of normal fitfig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(5,6))ax.set_frame_on(False)funnel(df=data("Caschool"),x='testscr',group="county",bootstrap_mode=True,error_mode="bootstrap")



## Synthetic dataimportnumpyasnpimportrandomrandom.seed(2020)np.random.seed(2020)groups=[]p_mean,p_std=0,1# random groups, with different sizes, means and std. devs.foriinrange(25):n_group=np.random.randint(1,80)g_std=np.random.uniform(0.1,4.5)g_mean=np.random.uniform(-1.9,0.5)groups.append(np.random.normal(p_mean+g_mean,p_std+g_std,n_group))


ax,fig=plt.subplots(figsize=(9,4))# bootstrap version, using medians instead of meansfunnel_plot_bootstrap(groups,labels=[random.choice("abcdefg")*4foriinrange(len(groups))],percentage=95,stat=np.median)



  • funnel(df, x, group, bootstrap_mode=False)将数据帧df显示为漏斗图,呈现列x,并按group对数据分组。在

          df: DataFrame
              The data to be shown.
          x:  string, column name
              The column of the frame to render as datapoints.
          group: string, column name
              The column to group the frame by
          bootstrap_mode: boolean, optional (default False)
              If True, uses the funnel_plot_bootstrap() function; otherwise
              use the parameteric funnel_plot() function
              passed to funnel_plot() / funnel_plot_bootstrap()
  • funnel_plot(data_groups, ...)将数组列表绘制为漏斗图。在

          data_groups: list of 1D arrays
              a list of 1D arrays the individual groups to be analysed.
          ax: axis, optional
              an Matplotlib axis to draw onto
          dist: distribution function, like scipy.stats.norm(0,1)
              function to use to get the ppf and cdf of for plotting
          percentage: float, 0.0 -> 100.0 (default 95)
              percentage  of interval enclosed (e.g. percentage=95 will enclose 2.5% to 97.5%)
          labels: list of strings, optional
              one label string per group, will be shown only for those groups that lie outside the funnel
          left_color: matplotlib color, optional (default C1)
              color to render points to the left of the funnel bounds (negative outliers)
          right_color: matplotlib color, optional (default C2)
              color to render points to the right of the funnel bounds (positive outliers)        
          error_mode: string, optional (default "data")
              For each outlier group, can show:
                  "data": original data values for that group as a dot plot
                  "none": no error bars
                  "bootstrap": 95% bootstrap intervals, as lines
                  "ci": 95% CI intervals, as lines
          show_rug: boolean, optional (default False):
              If True, show a rug plot at the bottom of the graph, for
              the whole group population
          show_contours: boolean optional (default True)
              true if additional contours shown
  • funnel_plot_bootstrap(data_groups, ...)将数组列表绘制为漏斗图,使用引导间隔而不是参数分布。在

          data_groups: list of 1D arrays
              a list of 1D arrays the individual groups to be analysed.
          ax: axis, optional
              an Matplotlib axis to draw onto
          percentage: float, 0.0 -> 100.0 (default 95)
              percentage  of interval enclosed (e.g. percentage=95 will enclose 2.5% to 97.5%)
          labels: list of strings, optional
              one label string per group, will be shown only for those groups that lie outside the funnel
          left_color: matplotlib color, optional (default C1)
              color to render points to the left of the funnel bounds (negative outliers)
          right_color: matplotlib color, optional (default C2)
              color to render points to the right of the funnel bounds (positive outliers)
          bootstrap_n: int, optional (default 1000)
              number of runs in the bootstrap
          error_mode: string, optional (default "data")
              For each outlier group, can show:
                  "data": original data values for that group as a dot plot
                  "none": no error bars
                  "bootstrap": 95% bootstrap intervals, as lines
                  "ci": 95% CI intervals, as lines
          show_rug: boolean, optional (default False):
              If True, show a rug plot at the bottom of the graph, for
              the whole group population            
          show_contours: boolean optional (default True)
              true if additional contours shown
          stat: function like np.mean, optional
              statistic to use when plotting the funnel plot  

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