dynamo store的设计使dynamodb中的多个分片数据存储无缝



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  • 将子词典自动分片到其他表中(对于获得大约400KB的dyanmodb限制很有用)
  • 使用128位aes_cbc加密静止数据
  • 对象到表的自动逻辑序列化






继承dyobject时,根和shard dyobjects应实现以下类变量:

  • table\u name=要将此碎片保存到aws中的“shard1”表
  • 区域名='us-east-2''region to sav eto in aws
  • 要使用的主键名
  • ignore\u list=[]序列化期间要忽略的变量名
  • config_loader=config_loader()类级配置加载程序,以防止必须传递到save()load()。 否则上述类变量都是可选的。


config_loader(config, **kwargs)是一个回调,用于dystore和dyobject调用,以控制dynamo存储的某些操作。第一个参数config指定查询哪个配置项,其余的关键字参数是调用的上下文相关数据。




from dynamo_store.store import DyStore

def root_store():
    shards = [DyStore('Shard1', 'IDX', path='$.birth_details'),
              DyStore('Shard2', 'IDX', path='$.location')]
    return DyStore('Root', 'ID', shards=shards)

def loader(config, **kwargs):
    if config == DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_LOAD_KEY:
        encrypted_paths = ['birth_details.hospital', 'birth_details.dob', 'location.city', 'location.country', 'firstname', 'lastname']
        path = kwargs['path']
        if path in encrypted_paths:
            return 'somekey'
    elif config == DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_KEEP_METADATA:
        return False

    return None

d = {'firstname': 'john',
     'lastname': 'smith',
     'location': {'city': 'Osaka',
                  'country': 'Japan'},
     'birth_details': {'hospital': 'Kosei Nenkin',
                       'dob': '12/2/1995'}}

# Write object to store
key = root_store().write(d)

# Update individual path
root_store().write_path(key, "location.city", "New York")

# Read back object from store
success, obj = root_store().read(key)

# Read individual path
path = root_store().read_path(key, "location.country")

# Delete object from store

from dynamo_store.object import DyObject
from dynamo_store.store import DyStore
from jsonmodels import fields

class BirthDetails(DyObject):
    TABLE_NAME = 'Shard1'       # Table to save this shard to in AWS
    REGION_NAME = 'us-east-2'   # Region to sav eto in AWS
    PRIMARY_KEY_NAME = 'IDX'    # Primary key name to use

    hospital = fields.StringField()
    dob = fields.StringField()

class Location(DyObject):
    TABLE_NAME = 'Shard2'       # Table to save this shard to in AWS
    REGION_NAME = 'us-east-2'   # Region to save to in AWS
    PRIMARY_KEY_NAME = 'IDX'    # Primary key name to use

    city = fields.StringField()
    country = fields.StringField()
    geolocation = fields.EmbeddedField(GeoLocation)

class Root(DyObject):
    TABLE_NAME = 'Root'         # Table to save to in AWS
    REGION_NAME = 'us-east-2'   # Region to save to in AWS
    PRIMARY_KEY_NAME = 'ID'     # Primary key name to use

    firstname = fields.StringField()
    lastname = fields.StringField()
    location = fields.EmbeddedField(Location)
    birth_details = fields.EmbeddedField(BirthDetails)

def loader(config, **kwargs):
    if config == DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_LOAD_KEY:
        encrypted_paths = ['birth_details.hospital.value', 'birth_details.dob.value', 'location.city.value', 'location.country.value', 'firstname.value', 'lastname.value']
        path = kwargs['path']
        if path in encrypted_paths:
            return 'somekey'
    elif config == DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_KEEP_METADATA:
        return False
    elif config == DyObject.CONFIG_LOADER_DICT_TO_CLASS:
        # In this case we can just use the dict key to determine what kind of object it is
        # other cases might require examining the value
        key = kwargs['key']
        if key == 'location':
            return Location
        elif key == 'birth_details':
            return BirthDetails
        elif key == 'geolocation':
            return GeoLocation

    return None

# Setup and save object 
orig = Root()
orig.firstname = 'john'
orig.lastname = 'smith'
orig.location.city = 'Osaka'
orig.location.country = 'Kewpie'
orig.birth_details.dob = '15/03/1980'
orig.birth_details.hospital = 'Good one'
key = orig.save(config_loader=loader)

# Load object using key obtained from save() call
o = Root.load(key, config_loader=loader)


class DyStore(object):
    Invoked on writes to allow control of primary key.
    config_loader(DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_GENERATE_PK, data=item)
    :param config: DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_GENERATE_PK
    :param data: item being written
    :returns: string containing primary key to use, None to use uuid4()

    Invoked on decryption/encryption to control key used.
    config_loader(DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_LOAD_KEY, path=path, data=root)
    :param config: DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_LOAD_KEY
    :param path: json path of item being encrypted/decrypted
    :param data: root object being encrypted/decrypted
    :returns: string containing key to use, None to ignore decryption/encryption

    Invoked on read/write to control if DyStore metadata should be kept in object.
    config_loader(DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_KEEP_METADATA, data=item)
    :param config: DyStore.CONFIG_LOADER_KEEP_METADATA
    :param data: item being read/written
    :returns: bool controlling if metadata should be kept or not

    def __init__(self, table_name=None, primary_key_name=None, path=None, shards=[], region='us-east-2'):
        :param table_name: Name of DynamoDB table this object will access
        :param primary_key_name: Primary key name in DynamoDB
        :param path: JSON Path of this object when it is used in a shard, note: see jsonpath-ng for documentation on jsonpath.
        :param shards: Items to shard out to other tables in this object.
        :param region: AWS region for table.
        :param ignore_paths: Paths to ignore during encryption/decryption, can be regexes

    def read_path(self, primary_key, path, config_loader=None):
        Reads a path from an object from this store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key of object to read.
        :param path: JSON path of object to read (can reside in a shard).
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :returns: list of values on success, None otherwise

    def read(self, primary_key, resolve_shards=True, config_loader=None):
        Reads an object from this store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key of object to read.
        :param resolve_shards: Boolean to control whether shards are read.
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :returns: success, value

    def write_path(self, primary_key, path, value, config_loader=None):
        Writes a path in an object to this store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key of object to read.
        :param path: JSON path of object to read (can reside in a shard).
        :param value: Value to write at the JSON path.
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :param root_object: Internal parameter used for proper path resolution in config load calls.
        :returns: True if successful, False otherwise

    def write(self, data, primary_key=None, save_shards=True, config_loader=None):
        Writes an object to this store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key of object to write.
        :param save_shards: Boolean to control whether shards are saved.
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :returns: primary_key used/generated

    def delete(self, primary_key, delete_shards=True, config_loader=None):
        Deletes an object from this store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key of object to delete.
        :param delete_shards: Boolean to control whether shards are deleted.
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :returns: True if successful, False otherwise

class DyObject(object):
    Name of table in AWS to save this object to.
    TABLE_NAME = None

    Region in AWS to save this object to.
    REGION_NAME = None

    Name of primary key to use for this object.

    Config loader callable to use when config queries are made

    Variable names to ignore during serialization
    IGNORE_LIST = []

    Variable names to ignore during encryption/decryption

    Invoked on object load when class cant be determined.
    config_loader(DyObject.CONFIG_LOADER_DICT_TO_KEY, key=key, value=value)
    :param config: DyObject.CONFIG_LOADER_DICT_TO_CLASS
    :param key: key in parent object
    :param value: value of dict in object
    :returns: Class to instantiate, None if to keep as dict

    def delete(self, primary_key=None, config_loader=None):
        Delete an object from the store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key to use, (optional: value passed in will be stored in instance for future use).
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :returns: True if successful, False otherwise

    def save(self, primary_key=None, config_loader=None):
        Saves this object to the store.
        :param primary_key: Primary key to use.
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        A class wide config loader can also be set, however the passed in config loader takes preference.
        :returns: key of object written

    def load(cls, primary_key, config_loader=None):
        Loads an object from the store.
        :param cls: Class to instantiate
        :param primary_key: Primary key of object to load.
        :param config_loader: Config loader to be used: config_loader(config, data) returns setting
        :param validate: Enable JSON Models field validation
        A class wide config loader can also be set, however the passed in config loader takes preference.
        :returns: cls object

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