

一个小的命令行实用程序,用于获取csv文件并在中打印条形图 你的终端。尤其是与CSVKit等工具结合使用时, q,和jq

$ curl -s http://www.census.gov/popest/data/national/totals/2015/files/NST-EST2015-alldata.csv | head -n 6 | bars --label NAME --value POPESTIMATE2015 --width 72 -
NAME             POPESTIMATE2015
United States        321,418,820 ▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Northeast Region      56,283,891 ▓░░░░░
Midwest Region        67,907,403 ▓░░░░░░
South Region         121,182,847 ▓░░░░░░░░░░░░
West Region           76,044,679 ▓░░░░░░░
                                 0    100,000,000            400,000,000


pip install -e git+https://github.com/flother/bars#egg=bars


Usage: bars [OPTIONS] CSV

  Load a CSV file and output a bar chart.

  --label TEXT        Name or index of the column containing the label values.
                      Defaults to the first text column.
  --value TEXT        Name or index of the column containing the bar values.
                      Defaults to the first numeric column.
  --domain NUMBER...  Minimum and maximum values for the chart's x-axis.
  --width INTEGER     Width, in characters, to use to print the chart.
                      [default: 80]
  --skip INTEGER      Number of rows to skip.  [default: 0]
  --encoding TEXT     Character encoding of the CSV file.  [default: UTF-8]
  --no-header         Indicates the CSV file contains no header row.
  --printable         Only use printable characters to draw the bar chart.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

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