有 Java 编程相关的问题?






数据集的第一行包含空格分隔的正整数n g,其中n表示n x n板大小,g表示要描述的皇后的线性模式数,其中n<;30000和g<;250.接下来的g行各包含五个空白分隔整数,k x y s t,表示位置(x+i*s,y+i*t)处k个皇后的线性模式,对于i=0,1。。。,k-1。k的值为正。如果k是1,那么s和t的值是无关的,它们将被给出为0。所有女王职位都将在董事会上。所有线性模式中的皇后位置总数将不超过n,并且所有这些皇后位置将是不同的

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    The first line of a dataset contains blank separated positive integers n g, where n indicates an n x n board size, and g is the number of linear patterns of queens to be described, where n < 30000, and g < 250. The next g lines each contain five blank separated integers, k x y s t, representing a linear pattern of k queens at locations (x + i*s, y +i*t), for i = 0, 1, ..., k-1. The value of k is positive. If k is 1, then the values of s and t are irrelevant, and they will be given as 0. All queen positions will be on the board. The total number of queen positions among all the linear patterns will be no more than n, and all these queen positions will be distinct.
