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java如何自动设置随每个请求而变化的JAXWS HTTP头



public class MyApplicationClass {
    // Inject an instance of the service's port-type.
    private EchoPortType port;

    // This method will invoke  the web service operation and send transport headers on the request.
    public void invokeService() {

        // Set up the Map that will contain the request headers.
        Map<String, Object> requestHeaders = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        requestHeaders.put(“MyHeader1”, “This is a string value”);
        requestHeaders.put(“MyHeader2”, new Integer(33));
        requestHeaders.put(“MyHeader3”, new Boolean(true));

        // Set the Map as a property on the RequestContext.
        BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) port;
        bp.getRequestContext().put(com.ibm.websphere.webservices.Constants.REQUEST_TRANSPORT_PROPERTIES, requestHeaders);

        // Invoke the web services operation.
        String result = port.echoString(“Hello, world!”);




  • 它们共享同一个绑定提供程序,这不是线程安全的(即,用户A可以更改头,用户B可以更改头,然后用户A可以调用,然后用户B可以调用,然后传递相同的头)
  • 这需要对整个代码进行修改



共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    至于惟一值方面,您可以使用JDK的UUID class来创建GUID

    requestHeaders.put("X-RequestId", java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    至于明确的线程安全问题,基于JAX-WS specification (JSR-224)第9.3节,我建议使用JAX-WS客户端处理程序来实现这一点,因为处理程序规范确定了线程安全机制:MessageContext

    9.3.3 Handler Implementation Considerations

    Handler instances may be pooled by a JAX-WS runtime system. All instances of a specific handler are considered equivalent by a JAX-WS runtime system and any instance may be chosen to handle a particular message. Different handler instances may be used to handle each message of an MEP. Different threads may be used for each handler in a handler chain, for each message in an MEP or any combination of the two. Handlers should not rely on thread local state to share information. Handlers should instead use the message context, see section 9.4.


    This post描述了如何使用处理程序框架的MessageContext来设置所需的出站http头。但是,在您的例子中,您希望将X-RequestId设置为上面讨论的UUID