有 Java 编程相关的问题?




heap propgram工作正常,但是Heapsort不工作,或者我不能使用它,或者在heapap类中调用它

  import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Heap<T extends Comparable<T>> {

    private ArrayList<T> items;

    public Heap() {
        items = new ArrayList<T>();

    private void siftUp() {
        int k = items.size() - 1;
        while (k > 0) {
            int p = (k-1)/2;
            T item = items.get(k);
            T parent = items.get(p);
            if (item.compareTo(parent) > 0) {
                // swap
                items.set(k, parent);
                items.set(p, item);

                // move up one level
                k = p;
            } else {

    public void insert(T item) {

    private void siftDown() {
        int k = 0;
        int l = 2*k+1;
        while (l < items.size()) {
            int max=l, r=l+1;
            if (r < items.size()) { // there is a right child
                if (items.get(r).compareTo(items.get(l)) > 0) {
            if (items.get(k).compareTo(items.get(max)) < 0) {
                    // switch
                    T temp = items.get(k);
                    items.set(k, items.get(max));
                    items.set(max, temp);
                    k = max;
                    l = 2*k+1;
            } else {

    public T delete() 
    throws NoSuchElementException {
        if (items.size() == 0) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        if (items.size() == 1) {
            return items.remove(0);
        T hold = items.get(0);
        items.set(0, items.remove(items.size()-1));
        return hold;

    public int size() {
        return items.size();

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return items.isEmpty();


    public String toString() {
        return items.toString();


    public class Heapsort<T extends Comparable<T>> {
           * Sort the array a[0..n-1] by the heapsort algorithm.
           * @param a the array to be sorted
           * @param n the number of elements of a that have valid values
          public void sort(T[] a, int n) {
            heapsort(a, n - 1);

           * Sort the ArrayList list by the heapsort algorithm.
           * Works by converting the ArrayList to an array, sorting the
           * array, and converting the result back to the ArrayList.
           * @param list the ArrayList to be sorted
          public void sort(ArrayList<T> items) {
            // Convert list to an array.
            T[] a = (T[]) items.toArray((T[]) Array.newInstance(items.get(0).getClass(), items.size()));

            sort(a, items.size());   // sort the array

            // Copy the sorted array elements back into the list.
            for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
              items.set(i, a[i]);

           * Sort the array a[0..lastLeaf] by the heapsort algorithm.
           * @param items the array holding the heap
           * @param lastLeaf the position of the last leaf in the array
          private void heapsort(T[] items, int lastLeaf) {
            // First, turn the array a[0..lastLeaf] into a max-heap.
            buildMaxHeap(items, lastLeaf);

            // Once the array is a max-heap, repeatedly swap the root
            // with the last leaf, putting the largest remaining element
            // in the last leaf's position, declare this last leaf to no
            // longer be in the heap, and then fix up the heap.
            while (lastLeaf > 0) {
              swap(items, 0, lastLeaf);       // swap the root with the last leaf
              lastLeaf--;                 // the last leaf is no longer in the heap
              maxHeapify(items, 0, lastLeaf); // fix up what's left

           * Restore the max-heap property. When this method is called, the max-heap
           * property holds everywhere, except possibly at node i and its children. When
           * this method returns, the max-heap property holds everywhere.
           * @param items the array holding the heap
           * @param i index of the node that might violate the max-heap property
           * @param lastLeaf the position of the last leaf in the array
          private void maxHeapify(T[] items, int i, int lastLeaf) {
            int left = leftChild(i);    // index of node i's left child
            int right = rightChild(i);  // index of node i's right child
            int largest;  // will hold the index of the node with the largest element
                          // among node i, left, and right

            // Is there a left child and, if so, does the left child have an
            // element larger than node i?
            if (left <= lastLeaf && items[left].compareTo(items[i]) > 0)
              largest = left; // yes, so the left child is the largest so far
              largest = i;    // no, so node i is the largest so far

            // Is there a left child and, if so, does the right child have an
            // element larger than the larger of node i and the left child?
            if (right <= lastLeaf && items[right].compareTo(items[largest]) > 0)
              largest = right; // yes, so the right child is the largest

            // If node i holds an element larger than both the left and right
            // children, then the max-heap property already held, and we need do
            // nothing more. Otherwise, we need to swap node i with the larger
            // of the two children, and then recurse down the heap from the larger
            // child.
            if (largest != i) {
              swap(items, i, largest);
              maxHeapify(items, largest, lastLeaf);

           * Form array a[0..lastLeaf] into a max-heap.
           * @param items array to be heapified
           * @param lastLeaf position of last valid data in a
          private void buildMaxHeap(T[] items, int lastLeaf) {
            int lastNonLeaf = (lastLeaf - 1) / 2; // nodes lastNonLeaf+1 to lastLeaf are leaves
            for (int j = lastNonLeaf; j >= 0; j--)
              maxHeapify(items, j, lastLeaf);

           * Swap two locations i and j in array a.
           * @param items the array
           * @param i first position
           * @param j second position
          private void swap(T[] items, int i, int j) {
            T t = items[i];
            items[i] = items[j];
            items[j] = t;

           * Return the index of the left child of node i.
           * @param i index of the parent node
           * @return index of the left child of node i
          private int leftChild(int i) {
            return 2 * i + 1;

           * Return the index of the right child of node i.
           * @param i index of the parent node
           * @return the index of the right child of node i
          private int rightChild(int i) {
            return 2 * i + 2;

           * For debugging and testing, print out an array.
           * @param a the array to print
           * @param n number of elements of a to print
          public void printArray(T[] items, int n) {
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)


    import java.util.Scanner;

public class HeapApp{
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Heap<Integer> hp = new Heap<Integer>();

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.print("Enter next int, 'done' to stop: ");
    String line = sc.next();
    while (!line.equals("done")) {
        System.out.print("Enter next int, 'done' to stop: ");
        line = sc.next();

    while (hp.isEmpty()) {
        //int max = hp.delete();
        System.out.println( " " + hp);



    System.out.println("After sorting " + hp);



现在,我不是要求任何人为我做这件事,但我只是需要帮助找出如何让堆堆与堆一起工作请帮助!我尝试过的最多的方法是在Heap sort方法中设置参数


public static void main(String[] args) {
    Heap<Integer> hp = new Heap<Integer>();

    Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

    System.out.print("Enter next int, 'done' to stop: ");
    String line = sc.next();
    while (!line.equals("done")) {
        System.out.print("Enter next int, 'done' to stop: ");
        line = sc.next();


 public class Heap<T extends Comparable<T>> {

        private ArrayList<T> items;

        public Heap() {
            items = new ArrayList<T>();

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    public void sort()
        new Heapsort<T>().sort(items);


    System.out.println("After sorting " + hp);