有 Java 编程相关的问题?





Supplier<Integer> incrementer(int start) {
  return () -> start++;


The basic reason this won't compile is that the lambda is capturing the value of start, meaning making a copy of it. Forcing the variable to be final avoids giving the impression that incrementing start inside the lambda could actually modify the start method parameter. But, why does it make a copy? Well, notice that we are returning the lambda from our method. Thus, the lambda won't get run until after the start method parameter gets garbage collected. Java has to make a copy of start in order for this lambda to live outside of this method.


  1. “在start方法参数被垃圾回收之前lambda不会运行”是什么意思
  2. 为什么要复制

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    public String enterNewScope(String a, String b) {
        String c = a + b;
        String d = b + c;
        String e = c + d;
        return d;
    public static void main(String...args) {
        //The variables a, b, c, and e are now out of scope
        //d is returned by the function so it's still in use.
        String dReturned = enterNewScope("hello", "world");

    函数Supplier<Integer> incrementer(int start) {...}返回一个lambda,但您只能在函数已经返回后使用lambda,这意味着只要您能够使用该lambda,变量“start”就超出了范围。因此,Java将复制“start”变量,以防在调用lambda时无法访问它

    查看另一个答案以了解更多详细信息:Lambda Expression and Variable Capture

  2. # 2 楼答案

    1. 这意味着在调用^{}对象的get()方法之前,不会执行lambda代码(start++部分),这发生在incrementer()方法调用方的某个地方,即incrementer()方法返回后的某个时间


    2. 您提供的第一个链接的accepted answer中已经介绍了这一点。我建议你读一读