有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java Spring是否触发静态初始化块?



共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    public class ComponentClass{
            System.out.println("this is printed");
    public class OtherClass{
            System.out.println("this is not printed");

    JLS 8.7

    A static initializer declared in a class is executed when the class is initialized (§12.4.2). Together with any field initializers for class variables (§8.3.2), static initializers may be used to initialize the class variables of the class.


    当执行静态成员(方法或变量)或构造函数时,就会发生类初始化。 使用反射访问类的元数据时,这些类不一定要初始化,这取决于通过反射访问的类的内容

    这在JLS 12.4.1中定义:

    A class or interface type T will be initialized immediately before the first occurrence of any one of the following:

    • T is a class and an instance of T is created.
    • T is a class and a static method declared by T is invoked.
    • A static field declared by T is assigned.
    • A static field declared by T is used and the field is not a constant variable (§4.12.4).

    T is a top level class (§7.6), and an assert statement (§14.10) lexically nested within T (§8.1.3) is executed.

    A reference to a static field (§ causes initialization of only the class or interface that actually declares it, even though it might be referred to through the name of a subclass, a subinterface, or a class that implements an interface.

    Invocation of certain reflective methods in class Class and in package java.lang.reflect also causes class or interface initialization.



    来自chrylis -cautiouslyoptimistic-的说明:

    Note that in certain special cases (mostly Spring Boot auto-configuration), Spring might not even load the class at all. (It sometimes performs direct bytecode analysis to avoid loading classes that touch optional dependencies.)