有 Java 编程相关的问题?









public void agregarUsuario(String nombre, String apellido, String direccion, String telefono, String correo, String username, String password) //this function add a new user object to my array in the json
    try {
        JSONObject usuarios = getJSONObjectFromFile("/usuarios.json"); //Json object "usuarios"/"users" is my main json obj file
        JSONArray listaUsuario = usuarios.getJSONArray("Usuarios");     //I've start my array "Usuarios" (who is in my .json)
        JSONObject newObject = new JSONObject();                        //I created a new JSONObjectVariable, with the attributes i want in it
        newObject.put("nombre", nombre);
        newObject.put("apellido", apellido);
        newObject.put("direccion", direccion);
        newObject.put("telefono", telefono);
        newObject.put("correo", correo);
        newObject.put("password", password);
                                                                        //at this point my new object has all the attributes i want to put in my array
        listaUsuario.put(newObject);                                    //so here i tried to put in my array my new Json object
        usuarios.put("Usuarios",listaUsuario);                          //this line, is one of my attempts to figure out how to put the function working
                                                                        //it wasn't in the first time, but how listaUsuario.put(newObject) dint make any change in my .json...
                                                                        //with or without it doesn't do anything 
    }catch(JSONException e) {


public boolean verificarInicioDeUsuario(String incomeUsername,String incomePassword) {
   JSONArray listaUsuario = usuarios.getJSONArray("Usuarios"); //gets in my "Usuarios"/"User" array
   for(int j=0;j<listaUsuario.length();j++) {                   //Start reading my array
        JSONObject user = listaUsuario.getJSONObject(j);        //i make a new JSONObject for use it to compare my strings
        if((user.getString("username").equals(incomeUsername))&&(user.getString("password").equals(incomePassword))) { //I compare my object username attributes with my incomeStrings
        return true;     //if the username and password matches in the same object, returns true
     return false; //if not, returns false


共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    因此,这里的主要问题是: 调用JSONObject上的toString,然后序列化该字符串。JSONObject本身不可序列化。因此,您必须使用以下选项:

    String jsonString = jsonObject.toString();


     public void agregarUsuario(String nombre, String apellido, String direccion, String telefono, String correo, String username, String password) //this function add a new user object to my array in the json
        try {
            JSONObject usuarios = getJSONObjectFromFile("/usuarios.json"); //Json object "usuarios"/"users" is my main json obj file
            JSONArray listaUsuario = usuarios.getJSONArray("Usuarios");     //I've start my array "Usuarios" (who is in my .json)
            JSONObject newObject = new JSONObject();                        //I created a new JSONObjectVariable, with the attributes i want in it
            newObject.put("nombre", nombre);
            newObject.put("apellido", apellido);
            newObject.put("direccion", direccion);
            newObject.put("telefono", telefono);
            newObject.put("correo", correo);
            newObject.put("password", password);
                                                                            //at this point my new object has all the attributes i want to put in my array
            listaUsuario.put(newObject);                                    //so here i tried to put in my array my new Json object
            usuarios.put("Usuarios",listaUsuario);                          //this line, is one of my attempts to figure out how to put the function working
                                                                            //it wasn't in the first time, but how listaUsuario.put(newObject) dint make any change in my .json...
                                                                            //with or without it doesn't do anything 
            ObjectOutputStream outputStream = null;
               outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("/usuarios.json"));
               System.out.println("Start Writing in to file ");
        }catch(JSONException e) {
        catch (Exception e){
            System.err.println("Error writting json: " + e);