有 Java 编程相关的问题?




Feature A Given I use "<browser>" When I navigate to the "www.google.com" Then I will be able to do A

Feature B Given I use "<browser>" When I navigate to the "www.google.com" Then I will be able to do B


public class Base { public LandingPage landingPage; public synchronized void initiate(String browser) { // Do usual Chrome / Firefox WebDriver instantiation this.landingPage = new LandingPage(); // Instantiate landingPage } public synchronized void navigateTo(String URL, Scenario scenario) throws InterruptedException { driver.get(URL); } }

我实现下面的Feature A

public class FeatureA extends Base { @Given("I use {string}") public void i_use(String browser) { initiate(browser, scenario); // Call the method in parent class Base. This should instantiate this.landingPage = new LandingPage(); } @When("I navigate to the {string}") public void i_navigate_to_the(String URL) throws InterruptedException { navigateTo(URL, scenario); } @Then("Then I will be able to do A") public void then_i_will_be_able_to_do_A() { //Do something specific to Feature A only } }

我实现了下面的Feature B。(我在Feature A中重新使用了步骤1和步骤2,因此不需要在Feature B中重复它)

public class FeatureB extends Base { @Then("Then I will be able to do B") public void then_i_will_be_able_to_do_B() { //Do something specific to Feature B only log.debug("landingpage : " + super.landingPage); // Null. Not sure why? } }

当我运行Feature A小黄瓜文件时,一切正常

当我运行Feature Bgherkin文件时,变量/reference super.landingPage返回我null

我运行调试模式,可以看到initiate(browser, scenario);已被调用,因此public LandingPage landingPage;已被其他类(Class FeatureA)实例化,在执行Feature B中的步骤之前。但是Class FeatureB看到null



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    public class WebDriverContainer {
       private final Webdriver delegate;
       // Create webdriver instance here
       // as needed by invoking a method from your step definitions.
       // or something more advanced: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm/tree/main/picocontainer#step-scope-and-lifecycle
       // note that before and after hooks can also be used here to do the clean up/setup.
    public class FeatureA {
      private WebDriverContainer webdriver;
      public FeatureA(WebDriverContainer webdriver){
          this.webdriver = webdriver;
      // Use webdriver container in your steps
    public class FeatureB {
      private WebDriverContainer webdriver;
      public FeatureB(WebDriverContainer webdriver){
          this.webdriver = webdriver;
      // Use webdriver container in your steps
