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java删除Weka ML模型的测试ARFF文件中的最后一个类属性在预测模型中不起作用


 * Make predictions based on that model. Improve the model
 * @throws Exception
public void modelPredictions(Instances trainedDataSet, Instances testedDataSet, Classifier classifierType) throws Exception {
    // Get the number of classes
    int numClasses = trainedDataSet.numClasses();
    // print out class values in the training dataset
    for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) {
        // get class string value using the class index
        String classValue = trainedDataSet.classAttribute().value(i);
        System.out.println("Class Value " + i + " is " + classValue);
    // set class index to the last attribute
    // loop through the new dataset and make predictions
    System.out.println("Actual Class, NB Predicted");
    for (int i = 0; i < testedDataSet.numInstances(); i++) {
        // get class double value for current instance
        double actualClass = testedDataSet.instance(i).classValue();
        // get class string value using the class index using the class's int value
        String actual = testedDataSet.classAttribute().value((int) actualClass);
        // get Instance object of current instance
        Instance newInst = testedDataSet.instance(i);
        // call classifyInstance, which returns a double value for the class
        double predNB = classifierType.classifyInstance(newInst);
        // use this value to get string value of the predicted class
        String predString = testedDataSet.classAttribute().value((int) predNB);
        System.out.println(actual + ", " + predString);

Image of the test ARFF File (Sorry, was getting errors in pasting the file content of the file.

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    double missing = Utils.missingValue();
    System.out.println("missing value as double: " + missing);
    System.out.println("missing value as int: " + ((int) missing));


    missing value as double: NaN
    missing value as int: 0