有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java SuperSV无法找到方法异常


csvReader = new CsvBeanReader(new InputStreamReader(stream), CsvPreference.STANDARD_PREFERENCE);
lastReadIdentity =  (T) csvReader.read(Packages.class, Packages.COLS);



public String getUnitCount() {
    return unitCount;
public void setUnitCount(String unitCount) {
    this.unitCount = unitCount;


private int unitCount;
public int getUnitCount() {
    return unitCount;
public void setUnitCount(int unitCount) {
    this.unitCount = unitCount;


org.supercsv.exception.SuperCsvReflectionException: unable to find method setUnitCount(java.lang.String) in class com.directv.sms.data.SubscriberPackages - check that the corresponding nameMapping element matches the field name in the bean, and the cell processor returns a type compatible with the field
at org.supercsv.util.ReflectionUtils.findSetter(ReflectionUtils.java:139)
at org.supercsv.util.MethodCache.getSetMethod(MethodCache.java:95)

共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    public class SubscriberPackages {
        @Parsed(defaultNullRead = "0") // if the file contains nulls, then they will be converted to 0.
        private int unitCount;   // The attribute name will be matched against the column header in the file automatically.


    // BeanListProcessor converts each parsed row to an instance of a given class, then stores each instance into a list.
    BeanListProcessor<SubscriberPackages> rowProcessor = new BeanListProcessor<SubscriberPackages>(SubscriberPackages.class);
    CsvParserSettings parserSettings = new CsvParserSettings(); //many options here, check the tutorial.
    parserSettings.setRowProcessor(rowProcessor); //uses the bean processor to handle your input rows
    parserSettings.setHeaderExtractionEnabled(true); // extracts header names from the input file.
    CsvParser parser = new CsvParser(parserSettings); //creates a parser with your settings.
    parser.parse(new FileReader(new File("/path/to/file.csv"))); //all rows parsed here go straight to the bean processor
    // The BeanListProcessor provides a list of objects extracted from the input.
    List<SubscriberPackages> beans = rowProcessor.getBeans();

    披露:我是这个图书馆的作者。它是开源和免费的(Apache V2.0许可证)