有 Java 编程相关的问题?




class Node
 protected Node next;

 public Node()
    next = null;



class Queue
 private Node footer;
 private Node header;

 public Queue()
    footer = null;
    header = null;

 public void add(Node newNode)
    //Adds onto the queue from the 'footer' end.

 public Node remove()
    //Removes from the queue from the 'header' end.

我的理解是:(1)页眉和页脚指向同一个第一个节点。(2) 后续添加应将页脚更改为指向添加的节点,但页眉保留在添加的第一个节点上。(3) 删除时,标头应指向下一个最旧的节点





共 (4) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


       void add(char new_data) 
        /* 1. alloc the Node and put data*/
        Node new_Node = new Node(new_data); 
        /* 2. Make next of new Node as head */
        new_Node.next = head; 
        /* 3. Move the head to point to new Node */
        head = new_Node; 

    然后,您需要一个删除方法,该方法将首先删除列表中最旧的节点记住在队列中删除的顺序是先进先出(FIFO) 也就是说,这种删除方法应该对您有所帮助

        void remove() 
        // Store head node 
        Node temp = head, prev = null; 
        // If head node itself holds the key to be deleted 
        if (temp != null ) 
            head = temp.next; // Changed head 
        // Search for the key to be deleted, keep track of the 
        // previous node as we need to change temp.next 
        while (temp != null) 
            prev = temp; 
            temp = temp.next; 
        // If key was not present in linked list 
        if (temp == null) return; 
        // Unlink the node from linked list 
        prev.next = temp.next; 


  2. # 2 楼答案


    public void add(Node newNode)
        if footer is null ?
         header = newNode and footer = newNode;
         footer.next = newNode and footer = newNode;
        end if
     public Node remove()
        Node returnMe = header;
        if header is not null?
          header = header.next
          if header is null
             footer = null;
        end if
        return returnMe;
  3. # 3 楼答案


    与其使用footer存储“实际”节点,不如将其用作占位符:将其声明为final变量,在构造函数中初始化它,并确保a)它的next节点始终是header(这将被称为circular list),或者它的next节点为空


    add(Node newestNode){
       identify the last node added as the one whose next property is the footer. 
       change the next property of that node from footer to this new newestNode 
       set the next property of this new newestNode to footer 

    最好将添加的最后一个节点标识为footer指向的节点(而不是指向footer的节点),如果允许您在节点上具有previousnext属性,这将很容易,但听起来好像不允许您这样做。当然,因为我们使用页脚作为“哑节点”,所以我们可以简单地使用^ {CD8}}的方式^ {< CD9}},使它指向向后而不是向前,但是我会让你考虑一下这将是多么干净。这里还有其他的选择,我也会让你考虑。

    How do I get the header to point to the 'next oldest node'`

    “最早的”节点是第一个添加的节点。“最新”节点是最后添加的节点。其余节点的顺序是如何存储的?与在堆栈中的方式相同—通过遍历作为节点上的实例变量存储的引用链。我想说的主要一点是,当堆栈和队列实现为linked data structures时,它们比您想象的要相似得多,至少从a开始:遍历任何链接的数据结构是通过以下方式完成的:遍历这些链接-不要太在意您正在向不同的方向“移动”-相同的基本原则适用:

    Node remove(){ 
        identify the "oldest" node as header.next. 
        Store a reference to that node so you can return it. 
        identify the "second oldest node" as header.next.next 
        change header.next to header.next.next
        return the reference to the old header.next you saved above.         


  4. # 4 楼答案

    How do I get the header to point to the 'next oldest node', given that I have more than 2 nodes in this queue? I know I can do this if I link header.next to the next node in the queue, but how can I access the next node so that it can point to it?

    要使标头指向该节点,只需执行header = header.next。原因是Java objectt分配是通过引用进行的。从标题开始。接下来是节点类型,头是节点类型,它将复制头的地址。页眉的旁边,即页眉是高级的一个位置

    I thought about how in add(), the newNode.next should point to the next newNode (reverse direction of a Stack), but this can't work because the next newNode isn't in existence yet..

    我认为没有必要考虑反向。原因是,对于添加,它是将元素添加到队列的尾部/页脚。唯一的特殊情况是队列没有任何元素(footer == header == null),1个元素:(footer = header = element),其他情况:页眉不会更改,但需要将元素附加到页脚,然后使页脚指向新节点

    当只有1个元素时,footer.next == header.next == null