有 Java 编程相关的问题?




共 (5) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    来自IBM的performance tuning tips(因此可能不直接适用于Sun的VM)

    The Java heap parameters influence the behavior of garbage collection. Increasing the heap size supports more object creation. Because a large heap takes longer to fill, the application runs longer before a garbage collection occurs. However, a larger heap also takes longer to compact and causes garbage collection to take longer.

    The JVM has thresholds it uses to manage the JVM's storage. When the thresholds are reached, the garbage collector gets invoked to free up unused storage. Therefore, garbage collection can cause significant degradation of Java performance. Before changing the initial and maximum heap sizes, you should consider the following information: In the majority of cases you should set the maximum JVM heap size to value higher than the initial JVM heap size. This allows for the JVM to operate efficiently during normal, steady state periods within the confines of the initial heap but also to operate effectively during periods of high transaction volume by expanding the heap up to the maximum JVM heap size. In some rare cases where absolute optimal performance is required you might want to specify the same value for both the initial and maximum heap size. This will eliminate some overhead that occurs when the JVM needs to expand or contract the size of the JVM heap. Make sure the region is large enough to hold the specified JVM heap. Beware of making the Initial Heap Size too large. While a large heap size initially improves performance by delaying garbage collection, a large heap size ultimately affects response time when garbage collection eventually kicks in because the collection process takes more time.




  2. # 2 楼答案



    这几乎肯定是出于性能原因。我找不到一个很好的链接来详细说明这一点,但是这里有一段我在搜索时找到的Peter Kessler(full link-请务必阅读评论)的很好的引用。我相信他在Sun的JVM上工作

    The reason we need a contiguous memory region for the heap is that we have a bunch of side data structures that are indexed by (scaled) offsets from the start of the heap. For example, we track object reference updates with a "card mark array" that has one byte for each 512 bytes of heap. When we store a reference in the heap we have to mark the corresponding byte in the card mark array. We right shift the destination address of the store and use that to index the card mark array. Fun addressing arithmetic games you can't do in Java that you get to (have to :-) play in C++.

    这是在2004年——我不确定从那以后发生了什么变化,但我很确定它仍然存在。如果您使用Process Explorer之类的工具,您可以看到Java应用程序的虚拟大小(添加虚拟大小和私有大小内存列)包括从启动点开始的总堆大小(毫无疑问,加上其他所需空间),即使在堆开始填满之前,进程“使用”的内存将不在这附近

  3. # 3 楼答案

    历史上,这种限制有一个原因,那就是不允许浏览器中的小程序占用所有用户的内存。从来没有这样限制的微软虚拟机实际上允许这样做,这可能导致对用户计算机的某种拒绝服务攻击。就在一年前,Sun在1.6.0 Update 10 VM中引入了一种方法,让小应用程序指定它们需要多少内存(限制在物理内存的某个固定份额),而不是总是将它们限制在64MB,即使在具有8GB或更多可用内存的计算机上也是如此


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