有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我想将音频路由到蓝牙耳机,或类似输出(如果已连接)。我使用MediaRouter就是为了这个目的,因为我知道我打算做什么。 但我不能让它工作,因为它没有发现我的蓝牙耳机,尽管它是成对的



import 安卓.content.Context;
import 安卓.content.DialogInterface;
import 安卓.os.Bundle;
import 安卓.util.Log;
import 安卓.view.Display;
import 安卓.view.Menu;
import 安卓.view.MenuItem;
import 安卓.view.View;
import 安卓.view.WindowManager;
import 安卓.widget.Button;
import 安卓.widget.TextView;

import 安卓x.annotation.NonNull;
import 安卓x.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;

import 安卓x.appcompat.widget.Toolbar;
import 安卓x.core.view.MenuItemCompat;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.app.MediaRouteActionProvider;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.app.MediaRouteControllerDialog;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.app.MediaRouteControllerDialogFragment;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.app.MediaRouteDialogFactory;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.media.MediaControlIntent;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.media.MediaRouteSelector;
import 安卓x.mediarouter.media.MediaRouter;

public class MediaRouterPlaybackActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private MediaRouter mMediaRouter;

    // Active Presentation, set to null if no secondary screen is enabled
    private SamplePresentation mPresentation;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mTextStatus = findViewById(R.id.textStatus);

        Toolbar myToolbar = findViewById(R.id.my_toolbar);

        Log.d("tag", "on create");

        // Enable clicks on the 'change color' button
        mButton = findViewById(R.id.button1);
        mButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(getMediaRouter)
        // Get the MediaRouter service
        mMediaRouter = MediaRouter.getInstance(this);
        // END_INCLUDE(getMediaRouter)

     * Implementing a {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter.Callback} to update the displayed
     * {@link 安卓.app.Presentation} when a route is selected, unselected or the
     * presentation display has changed. The provided stub implementation
     * {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter.SimpleCallback} is extended and only
     * {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter.SimpleCallback#onRouteSelected(安卓.media.MediaRouter, int, 安卓.media.MediaRouter.RouteInfo)}
     * ,
     * {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter.SimpleCallback#onRouteUnselected(安卓.media.MediaRouter, int, 安卓.media.MediaRouter.RouteInfo)}
     * and
     * {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter.SimpleCallback#onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(安卓.media.MediaRouter, 安卓.media.MediaRouter.RouteInfo)}
     * are overridden to update the displayed {@link 安卓.app.Presentation} in
     * {@link #updatePresentation()}. These callbacks enable or disable the
     * second screen presentation based on the routing provided by the
     * {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter} for {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter#ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO}
     * streams. @
    private final MediaRouter.Callback mMediaRouterCallback =
            new MediaRouter.Callback() {

                // BEGIN_INCLUDE(SimpleCallback)

                 * A new route has been selected as active. Disable the current
                 * route and enable the new one.
                public void onRouteSelected(@NonNull MediaRouter router, @NonNull MediaRouter.RouteInfo route, int reason) {
                    Log.d("Media route", "onRouteUnselected: route=" + route);

                 * The route has been unselected.
                public void onRouteUnselected(MediaRouter router, MediaRouter.RouteInfo info, int reason) {
                    Log.d("Media route", "onRouteUnselected: route=" + info);

                 * The route's presentation display has changed. This callback
                 * is called when the presentation has been activated, removed
                 * or its properties have changed.
                public void onRoutePresentationDisplayChanged(MediaRouter router, MediaRouter.RouteInfo route) {
                // END_INCLUDE(SimpleCallback)

     * Updates the displayed presentation to enable a secondary screen if it has
     * been selected in the {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter} for the
     * {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter#ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO} type. If no screen has been
     * selected by the {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter}, the current screen is disabled.
     * Otherwise a new {@link SamplePresentation} is initialized and shown on
     * the secondary screen.
    private void updatePresentation() {

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(updatePresentationInit)
        // Get the selected route for live video
        MediaRouter.RouteInfo selectedRoute = mMediaRouter.getSelectedRoute();

        // Get its Display if a valid route has been selected
        Display selectedDisplay = selectedRoute.getPresentationDisplay();
        // END_INCLUDE(updatePresentationInit)

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(updatePresentationDismiss)
         * Dismiss the current presentation if the display has changed or no new
         * route has been selected
        if (mPresentation != null && mPresentation.getDisplay() != selectedDisplay) {
            mPresentation = null;
            mTextStatus.setText("not connected");
        // END_INCLUDE(updatePresentationDismiss)

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(updatePresentationNew)
         * Show a new presentation if the previous one has been dismissed and a
         * route has been selected.
        if (mPresentation == null && selectedDisplay != null) {

            // Initialise a new Presentation for the Display
            mPresentation = new SamplePresentation(this, selectedDisplay);

            // Try to show the presentation, this might fail if the display has
            // gone away in the mean time
            try {
            } catch (WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException ex) {
                // Couldn't show presentation - display was already removed
                mPresentation = null;
        // END_INCLUDE(updatePresentationNew)


    protected void onResume() {

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(addCallback)
        // Register a callback for all events related to live video devices
                new MediaRouteSelector.Builder()
                mMediaRouterCallback, MediaRouter.CALLBACK_FLAG_REQUEST_DISCOVERY
        // END_INCLUDE(addCallback)

        // Show the 'Not connected' status message
        mTextStatus.setText("not connected");

        // Update the displays based on the currently active routes


    protected void onPause() {

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(onPause)
        // Stop listening for changes to media routes.
        // END_INCLUDE(onPause)

    protected void onStop() {

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(onStop)
        // Dismiss the presentation when the activity is not visible.
        if (mPresentation != null) {
            mPresentation = null;
        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(onStop)

     * Inflates the ActionBar or options menu. The menu file defines an item for
     * the {@link 安卓.app.MediaRouteActionProvider}, which is registered here for all
     * live video devices using {@link 安卓.media.MediaRouter#ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO}.
    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

        getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.menu, menu);

        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(MediaRouteActionProvider)
        // Configure the media router action provider
        MenuItem mediaRouteMenuItem = menu.findItem(R.id.menu_media_route);

        MediaRouteActionProvider mediaRouteActionProvider =
                (MediaRouteActionProvider) MenuItemCompat.getActionProvider(mediaRouteMenuItem);
                new MediaRouteSelector.Builder()

        mediaRouteActionProvider.setDialogFactory(new MediaRouteDialogFactory() {
            public MediaRouteControllerDialogFragment onCreateControllerDialogFragment() {
                return new MediaRouteControllerDialogFragment() {
                    public MediaRouteControllerDialog onCreateControllerDialog(
                            Context context, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                        MediaRouteControllerDialog mControllerDialog = new MediaRouteControllerDialog(MediaRouterPlaybackActivity.this);
                        return mControllerDialog;
        // BEGIN_INCLUDE(MediaRouteActionProvider)

        return true;

     * Listens for dismissal of the {@link SamplePresentation} and removes its
     * reference.
    private final DialogInterface.OnDismissListener mOnDismissListener =
            new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
                public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
                    if (dialog == mPresentation) {
                        mPresentation = null;

    // Views used to display status information on the primary screen
    private TextView mTextStatus;
    private Button mButton;

     * Displays the next color on the secondary screen if it is activate.
    private void showNextColor() {



I working with this example I found in 安卓 docs.
Do you might know how to solve it ?

Im not trying to use google cast only to route to bluetooth speakers or headphones.

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