有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我只需要帮我做作业的这一部分。说明是 使用lambdas和streams将每张发票映射到其零件描述和数量, 按数量对结果排序,然后显示结果


import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class ProcessInvoices {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        //initialize array of invoice objects
        Invoice[] invoices = {
                new Invoice(83 , "Electric sander", 7 , 57.89),
                new Invoice(24, "Power saw", 18, 99.99),
                new Invoice(7, "Sledge hammer", 11, 21.50),
                new Invoice(77, "Hammer", 76, 11.99),
                new Invoice(39, "Lawn mower", 3, 79.50),
                new Invoice(68, "Screwdriver" ,106, 6.99),
                new Invoice(56, "Jig saw", 21 ,11.00),
                new Invoice(3, "Wrench" ,34, 7.50)};

        List<Invoice> list = Arrays.asList(invoices);
        System.out.println("List of Invoice items: ");
        list    .stream()

        //Fucnction for getting part information for sorting
        Function<Invoice, String> byPartDescription = Invoice::getPartDescription;
        Function<Invoice, Double> byPrice = Invoice::getPrice;
        Function<Invoice, Integer> byQuantity = Invoice::getQuantity:;

        //Comparator for invoice objects by part descsriprion
        Comparator<Invoice> justPartDesc =

        //sort by part description
        System.out.printf("%nInvoice objects in ascending order by part description: %n");
        list    .stream()

        //Comparator for invoice by price
        Comparator<Invoice> justPrice = Comparator.comparing(byPrice);
        //sort by price
        System.out.printf("%nInvoice Obejects sorted in ascending order by price: %n");
        list    .stream()

        Comparator<Invoice> justQuantity = Comparator.comparing(byQuantity);

        //map invoice to part descripiton and quantity
        System.out.printf("%nInvoice objects mapped to part descripton and Quantity");
        list    .stream()


共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案

    Use lambdas and streams to map each Invoice to its PartDescription and Quantity


        .map( invoice -> new PartDescriptionAndQuantity( 
             invoice.getPartDescription(), invoice.getQuantity() );
        . ...[etc]...


  2. # 2 楼答案
