有 Java 编程相关的问题?




Example : 

    If input is 

    1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 

    and k = 4 then output is

    4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 5 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 

public void reverseListRecursion(int k) {
    this.reverseNode(null, headNode,k);

public void reverseNode(Node node, Node nextNode,int k) {
    while (k > 0) {
        k = k-1;
        this.reverseNode(node, nextNode.next,k);

    if (k == 0) {
        this.kNode = nextNode;
        this.kNode.next = null;

    if (node == null) {
        nextNode.next = this.kNode;
    } else {
        nextNode.next = node;


public void reverseListRecursion(int count) {
    this.reverseNode(null, headNode, count);

 * Condition K <= Length of linked list.
public void reverseNode(Node node, Node nextNode, int k) {
    int presentCounter = k;
    if (k > 1) {
        k = k - 1;
        this.reverseNode(nextNode, nextNode.next, k);
    if (presentCounter == 1) {
        this.kNode = nextNode.next; // Saving K's Next Node
        this.headNode = nextNode; // Setting K node as head node
    if (node == null) {
        nextNode.next = this.kNode;
    } else
        nextNode.next = node;

共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    public void reverseListRecursion(int k) {
        this.reverseNode(null, headNode,k);
    public void reverseNode(Node node, Node nextNode,int k) {
        while (k > 0) {
            k = k-1;
            this.reverseNode(node, nextNode.next,k);
        if (k == 0) {
            this.kNode = nextNode;
            this.kNode.next = null;
        if (node == null) {
            nextNode.next = this.kNode;
        } else {
            nextNode.next = node;
    1. wile循环将使递归调用的数量增加到k。也许这是你的意图,但它肯定不会成为一个有效的算法。这项工作可以通过移动k-1节点来完成,因此使k呼叫效率不高

    2. 第一个参数(node)永远不会改变:递归调用只传递相同的参数,因此在初始调用(null)中传递的值就是每次调用中该参数的值。因此,最后一个if条件的结果将始终相同。这看起来不对

    3. 第一个if条件始终为真,因为它与它前面的while条件相反。因此,不需要对k == 0进行测试

    4. 第一个if块中的代码使this.kNode成为nextNode的同义词,然后将其next属性设置为null。应该没有理由将任何next属性设置为null。如果有的话,它将打破链表

    5. 在第二个if块中nextNodenext属性设置为nextNode(见上一点,它表明this.kNodenextNode的同义词)。现在你有了一个自引用节点,这是你永远都不想拥有的。此代码使第一个k+1节点自引用,从而有效地将它们从原始链接列表中分离出来

    6. 初始调用使用头节点作为第二个参数。此变量显然是您所在类的私有成员。但是,在执行反转后,头节点仍将引用调用前它引用的节点。名称表明它应该指向列表中的第一个节点,但由于反转将移动前面的另一个节点,headNode将在完成后指向错误的节点。没有其他变量或属性会指向反转后列表中的第一个节点<这个。kNode可能就是它,但是语句this.kNode.next = nullnextNode.next = this.kNode不是您将对列表的第一个节点执行的操作



    list = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
    k = 4


    list = 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 
    k = 3


    list = 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 
    k = 2


    list = 4 3 2 1 5 6 7 8 
    k = 1



    public void reverseListRecursion(int k) {
        // The reversal returns the node that took the first position
        this.headNode = this.reverseNode(this.headNode, k, this.headNode);
    public Node reverseNode(Node origFirstNode, int k, Node currFirstNode) {
        // If 1 element needs to be reversed, there is nothing to do:
        if (k <= 1) return currFirstNode;
        // Move the node after the original first node before the current first node
        Node movingNode = origFirstNode.next;
        origFirstNode.next = movingNode.next;
        movingNode.next = currFirstNode;
        // The moved node is now the current first node. Repeat:
        return this.reverseNode(origFirstNode, k-1, movingNode);

    这个解决方案的好处是,^ {< CD21>}方法不需要引用^ {CD22>},因此它也可以用于在列表中间反转元素。您可以添加此方法,该方法将节点作为第二个参数:

    public void reverseListRecursionAfter(int k, Node afterNode) {
        afterNode.next = this.reverseNode(afterNode.next, k, afterNode.next);



    &13; 第13部分,;
    // Node class
    function Node(val, next) {
        this.val = val;
        this.next = next;
        this.toString = function (cascade) {
            if (!cascade || this.next === null) return '(' + this.val + ')';
            if (this.next === this) return '(' + this.val + ')-loop';
            return '(' + this.val + ')->' + this.next.toString(true); 
    // List class
    function List() {
        this.headNode = null;
        this.reverseListRecursion = function(k) {
            // The reversal returns the node that took the first position
            this.headNode = this.reverseNode(this.headNode, k, this.headNode);
        this.reverseNode = function(origFirstNode, k, currFirstNode) {
            // If 1 element needs to be reversed, there is nothing to do:
            if (k <= 1) return currFirstNode;
            // Move the node after the original first node before the current first node
            var movingNode = origFirstNode.next;
            origFirstNode.next = movingNode.next;
            movingNode.next = currFirstNode;
            // The moved node is now the current first node. Repeat:
            return this.reverseNode(origFirstNode, k-1, movingNode);
        this.insert = function (arr) {
            for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i ) {
                this.headNode = new Node(arr[i], this.headNode);
        this.toString = function () {
            return '{' + this.headNode.toString(true) + '}';
    var output = [];
    // Sample data
    var list = new List();
    list.insert([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
    output.push('before: ' + list);
    // Make the reversal call
    output.push('after: ' + list);
    // Show result in snippet
  • # 2 楼答案


    if (k > 0) {  // and not while 
        k = k-1;
        this.reverseNode(node, nextNode.next,k);