有 Java 编程相关的问题?



我的Java FX应用程序可以处理工作时间。我在两个日期字段中有工作开始和结束时间。我成功地计算了两个日期之间的差异;但现在,我如何检查结果是否在夜间或白天范围内????一天从6点开始,到22点结束。例如,在凌晨3点到晚上11点之间工作的人。 下面是我如何计算总工作时间的

public void CalculNbreJourTravaille() {
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyy HH:mm");

    try {
        Date ddtt = format.parse(ddt.getText());
        Date dftt = format.parse(dft.getText());
        long diff = dftt.getTime() - ddtt.getTime();
        long diffhours = diff / (60*60*1000)%24;
        long diffdays = diff/(24*60*60*1000);
        long total = diffhours + (diffdays*24);
        result.setText(total + " Hours");   
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block


共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案




    Day 32.0 hours; night 12.5 hours


    static ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of("America/Monterrey");
    static LocalTime dayStart = LocalTime.of(6, 0);
    static LocalTime dayEnd = LocalTime.of(22, 0);
    static DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("d/M/uuuu H:mm");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String workStartString = "28/03/2018 03:00";
        String workEndString = "29/03/2018 23:30";
        calculateWorkingHours(workStartString, workEndString);
    public static void calculateWorkingHours(String workStartString, String workEndString) {
        ZonedDateTime workStart
                = LocalDateTime.parse(workStartString, formatter).atZone(zone);
        ZonedDateTime workEnd
                = LocalDateTime.parse(workEndString, formatter).atZone(zone);
        if (workEnd.isBefore(workStart)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Work end must not be before work start");
        LocalDate workStartDate = workStart.toLocalDate();
        LocalDate workEndDate = workEnd.toLocalDate();
        Duration workedDaytime = Duration.ZERO;
        // first calculate work at nighttime before the start date, that is, work before 06:00
        Duration workedNighttime 
                = calculateNightTime(workStartDate.minusDays(1), workStart, workEnd);
        for (LocalDate d = workStartDate; ! d.isAfter(workEndDate); d = d.plusDays(1)) {
            workedDaytime = workedDaytime.plus(calculateDayTime(d, workStart, workEnd));
            workedNighttime = workedNighttime.plus(calculateNightTime(d, workStart, workEnd));
        double dayHours = workedDaytime.toMinutes() / (double) TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(1);
        double nightHours = workedNighttime.toMinutes() / (double) TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(1);
        System.out.println("Day " + dayHours + " hours; night " + nightHours + " hours");
     * Calculates amount of work in daytime on d,
     * that is between 06:00 and 22:00 on d.
     * Only time that falls with in workStart to workAnd
     * and also falls within 06:00 to 22:00 on d is included.
     * @param d The date for which to calculate day work
     * @param workStart
     * @param workEnd
     * @return Amount of daytime work on the said day
    private static Duration calculateDayTime(LocalDate d, ZonedDateTime workStart, ZonedDateTime workEnd) {
        ZonedDateTime dayStartToday = d.atTime(dayStart).atZone(zone);
        ZonedDateTime dayEndToday = d.atTime(dayEnd).atZone(zone);
        if (workStart.isAfter(dayEndToday) || workEnd.isBefore(dayStartToday)) {
            return Duration.ZERO;
        // restrict calculation to daytime on d
        if (workStart.isBefore(dayStartToday)) {
            workStart = dayStartToday;
        if (workEnd.isAfter(dayEndToday)) {
            workEnd = dayEndToday;
        return Duration.between(workStart, workEnd);
     * Calculates amount of night work in the night after d,
     * that is from 22:00 on d until 06:00 the next morning.
     * @param d The date for which to calculate night work
     * @param workStart
     * @param workEnd
     * @return Amount of nighttime work in said night
    private static Duration calculateNightTime(LocalDate d, ZonedDateTime workStart, ZonedDateTime workEnd) {
        assert ! workEnd.isBefore(workStart);
        ZonedDateTime nightStart = d.atTime(dayEnd).atZone(zone);
        ZonedDateTime nightEnd = d.plusDays(1).atTime(dayStart).atZone(zone);
        if (workEnd.isBefore(nightStart) || workStart.isAfter(nightEnd)) {
            return Duration.ZERO;
        // restrict calculation to the night after d
        if (workStart.isBefore(nightStart)) {
            workStart = nightStart;
        if (workEnd.isAfter(nightEnd)) {
            workEnd = nightEnd;
        return Duration.between(workStart, workEnd);
  2. # 2 楼答案


    SimpleDateFormat df_zero_hours = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyy");
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm");
    Date ddtt = format.parse(ddt.getText()); //Work Start Time
    Date dftt = format.parse(dft.getText()); //Work End Time
    Date dateStart = df_zero_hours.parse(ddt.getText()); //12AM of the day job started
    Date dayStart = new Date();
        dayStart.setTime(dateStart.getTime()+6*60*60*1000); // Get 6AM of that day
    Date dayEnd = new Date();
        dayEnd.setTime(dateStart.getTime()+22*60*60*1000); //Get 10PM of that day
    //        Now check the worked hours. in Whatever way you need
    boolean isBefore6AM = (dayStart.getTime()-ddtt.getTime())>0;
    boolean isAfter10PM = (dftt.getTime()-dayEnd.getTime())>0;