有 Java 编程相关的问题?




    * A wrapper method for a method that computes the
    * sum of the differential keys of this binary search tree.
    * @return the sum of the differential keys of this tree.
   public int sigma()
       if (size == 0)
           return 0;
       if (root.data.getClass() != Integer.class)
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Keys must be integers");
       return (Integer)root.data + sigma(root);

    * An auxiliary method that recursively computes the sum of
    * differential keys in the subtrees of the tree rooted at
    * the specified key.
    * @param subtreeRoot the root of a subtree of this tree
    * @return the sum of the differential keys of the left and
    * right subtrees
   private int sigma(Node subtreeRoot)
        // My attempt at implementing the auxiliary method
        if(subtreeRoot == null) return 0;
        return sigma(subtreeRoot.left) - (Integer)subtreeRoot.data + 
               sigma(subtreeRoot.right) - (Integer)subtreeRoot.data;



Definition 1. The differential key of a node in a binary tree whose elements are integers is the element in the node if the node is the root or is the difference between the element in the node and its parent. The differential of a null node is 0.

我已经讨论了基本情况,但之后我感到困惑。 下面是该方法应该做的一个示例: Example of sigma() method



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