有 Java 编程相关的问题?


Java Swing GUI控件在后台执行和操作时停止

enter image description here

现在,当我点击导入按钮时,一个操作在后端执行。因此,当GUI停止控制,我不能按下任何按钮,但我希望可以按下取消按钮,以便用户可以取消正在进行的操作。 我需要一些关于如何做的想法

JButton importButton = new JButton("Import");
importButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

    for(ResourceListObject currentImage : imagesToBeImported){

        String ImOid = String.valueOf(currentImage.getOID());

            String image_content = restEngine.getimageContent(ImOid);

            String str[]=new String[3];

            str[0] = "aix";
            str[1] = image_content;
            str[2] = selectedRepository.concat("_").concat(currentImage.getName());

            PowerVC_Image_Deployer imgDeployer= new PowerVC_Image_Deployer(str);



共 (1) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    Careful use of concurrency is particularly important to the Swing programmer. A well-written Swing program uses concurrency to create a user interface that never "freezes" — the program is always responsive to user interaction, no matter what it's doing. To create a responsive program, the programmer must learn how the Swing framework employs threads.
