有 Java 编程相关的问题?




One point which is worth remembering here is that substring is also backed up by character array, which is used by original String. This can be dangerous if original string object is very large and substring is very small, because even a small fraction can hold reference of complete array and prevents it from being garbage collected even if there is no other reference for that particular String


共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案


    Will a substring of another string prevent the parent string from being garbage collected?

    // Example 1
    String samplel = "ToBeGarbageCollected";
    String sample2 = samplel.substring(0, 1);
    // Example 2
    String samplel = "ToBeGarbageCollected";
    String sample2 = new String(samplel.substring(0, 1));

    The substring method doesn't put a reference to the original String in the new String. What it actually does is save a reference to the original String's backing array; i.e the array that holds the characters.

    ... The original String's entire backing array will be remain reachable ... and that means it won't be a candidate for garbage collection.

    But there is another complication. You set sample1 to a String literal, and the String object that represents a String literal is always reachable (unless the entire class gets unloaded!)

    In your second example, copying the substring causes a new String to be created. And it is guaranteed that the new String won't share the backing array with the original String and the temporary substring


    正如Sotirios Delimanolis所说:Java 7或更高版本不再如此:

    Java 7 String - substring complexity

  2. # 2 楼答案

