有 Java 编程相关的问题?


java Lab 9.3问题(是的,我发现了9.1的问题)


The standard deviation of a set of numbers is a measure of the spread of their values. It is defined as the square root of the average of the squared differences between each number and the mean. To calculate the standard deviation of the numbers stored in data:

Calculate the mean of the numbers.

For each number, subtract it from the mean and square the result.

Find the mean of the numbers calculated in step 2.

Find the square root of the result of step 3. This is the standard deviation. Write code to calculate the standard deviation of the numbers in data and store the result in the double sd.

To find the square root of a non-negative double d, use the expression

double s = Math.sqrt( d );


double[] data = {  }; 
double sd; 
double sum = 0; 
double mean = 0;
double sd = 0;
runProgram = true;

for (int = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    sum += data[i];
    mean = sum/(data.length - 1);
    mean = data[i];
    mean *= mean;

while (runProgram == true) 
    sd += Math.sqrt(mean);


共 (2) 个答案

  1. # 1 楼答案



    标准偏差是SquareRoot( (sum(square(number-mean))/n) )

    // Calculate the mean first
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        sum += data[i];
    mean = sum / data.length;
    sum = 0; // Re-using sum variable
    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        double diff = data[i] - mean;
        diff = Math.pow(diff, 2);
    double variance = sum / data.length; // calculate the variance
    sd = Math.sqrt(variance); // Standard deviation is the square root of variance
  2. # 2 楼答案

